idea Legalize Marijuana is about to break 20,000 supporters

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by 2MuchSkunk2Nite, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. good sir did you come up with that?

    because I'm going to use that quote in arguments ok?
  2. Wicked! Tell us if they respond!
  3. #23 nosmoke, Feb 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2009
    Man I have been doing so much thinking about everything involving marijuana decriminlization/legalization/medicinal purposes and I truly feel that in our lifetime, we may see some big changes. We can't be ignored anymore, really. Is it just me, or does it seem like marijuana is getting a lot of media attention (ignore the Phelps situation, but hey, maybe that even opened some eyes) but in a positive way? I mean, I never thought I'd see the day they mention New Jersey and Marijuana together on a bill, but for a positive purpose. And look, I beleive it's the 23rd that we find out if the bill will pass or not for medicinal use. I know it's been said before, but I'll say it again, this just isn't a war that's being won by law enforcement and they know it. Marijuana isn't a threat, it doesn't bring harm to anyone. The only things bringing harm and hurt to tokers is the fact that we're still getting thrown in jail. And for those seeking marijuana medically, they're being blocked from a form of treatment. I don't know how well structured this is of a read, but I'm just overwhelmed with thinking of why marijuana has not been lifted from prohibiton. Hopefully this country will open they're eyes. Otherwise, I'll be more than happy heading to Canada to hang out with my cousins and just enjoy myself in a fair amount of freedom regarding marijuana.


    Ps- It's unfortunate that there are still people out there scared to have their voice heard. Speak up, someone will listen.
  4. #24 amsterdamage, Feb 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2009
    The new image of legalization.

    haha ..I posted this in the wrong thread ;)
  5. Ah! it wont me vote or support or whatever. All it has is an invite friends button. How do I vote?
  6. You have to have an account first
  7. I want a t-shirt like that
  8. I do have an account and im signed in.
  9. Then it means you've already supported it (probably did it a while back and forgot)
  10. It's happened, NJ has become the next state for medical!

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