Change light times while flowering

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by thirdgen4me, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Ok so I have a grow in one area and I since took on another grow from a friend. So I have two seperate areas flowering. One area is light on at 8am to 8pm the other is light on 8pm to 8am. I want to move two plants from one area to the other because of smell issues. Is it ok if I let the two girls I want to move have a 24hr dark period then go back to 12/12 with its sisters?
  2. I can't imagine it would be horrible for them. I also am not a master grower but I'd say that wouldn't be too bad
  3. Thanks for your reply!
  4. It'll be fine.Just dont keep messing them around
  5. Just skip the lights on cycle for which ever grow you want to change. So lights out for 24 hrs then just switch your times to what you want, and your good to go. Extra dark is less stress full than extra light. You should have no problems. I have to do it twice a year, and have never had problems.
  6. Yup..I agree
  7. Thanks guys.. Switched them and now they can all grow happily together! lol
  8. Spot on. Works Great. Good Luck.

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