Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by God0!0, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. CFM
    I have been researching a formula to help me determine the proper amount of CFM intake and outake.
    I am growing in an 8 X 8ft space,Using a total of 16 plants in a 5 gallon bucket. I plan on using 2 Mh in a 4X4 space and 1 1,000 L.E.D in different 4X4 space. The two MH lamps will be using a air-cooled reflector with duct. This duct is connected to an outake system. I will also be using 2 10,000 BTU air conditioners. What would help me determine the proper amount of Intake and Outtake for CFM. I am open to any advice, thank you for your time and hope to hear from you all!

  2. If you go with 100cfm per 1 probably dont need the air conditioners
    oh and Welcome

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