CFL's lengthen flowering time?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tommatt, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Im on my second set of flowering plants. WW and AUH#1. Just got done harvesting 2 plants of AUH#1 that took FOREVER to finish flowering. While lookin around google pics of harvestable white widow, I saw a couple comments that floresents add 2 weeks or so to the flowering time.

    This is the only time I've heard this, wonder if anyone else had heard it. It could explain my other 2 plants. 12/12 in early august, chopped em
    Down a week an a half ago and still might have done so early. Was an 80% sativa though too.

    I was just looking at some trich's and they looked farther long that I though they'd be. No yellowing leaves, buds don't gave much bulk, no pistals/leaves being sucked in, just looked like it's still got a ways to go. (although almost all the hairs are red)
  2. #2 samson32, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    It is true.. It's because they can't penatrate a canopy as well as a hps can..:smoke:

    Mine took about 3 weeks longer to flower than they would have under an hps..
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