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CFLs burning vegging plants or lack of nutes?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mistersid, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. I have a few plants and a while back one of them got burned some type of way but I didn't care as much because the plant was deformed looking anyway, buy now another one of my plants started to burn. When I first noticed it it wasnt as bad, but today when I went to look at it the plant was burned. 
    Another thing I noticed was the leaves were starting to curl under kinda, why is that?
    I'm using (2) 23 CFL 1600 lumens each 5000k ------ (2) 18w CFLs 1100 lumens each 2700k
    Light cycle 18/6
    P.S. I know you guys are gonna say I need more light but I broke 2 of my cfl bulbs screwing them in.......  :confused:  :confused:


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  2. They could well be root bound, also clear cups not good for roots

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