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CFL Glass,what bulbs to buy to show shift?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by slipknotfreak666, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. I have a custom comming to me with the CFL glass color Potion in it,i went to Lowes yesterday and they literally sell NO SINGLE CFL Light bulbs only 4packs plus.

    Does anyone else own CFL glass of any kind here?
    If so what bulbs do you use for color shift?

    If you have CFL glass and use something other then CFL bulbs to make it shift please share that also!

    All and ANYYYYYYYYYYYYY advice is apperciated :gc_rocks::gc_rocks::gc_rocks:

  2. Really..? no 1?
  3. Your post doesn't make much sense
  4. naw you just don't know what i'm talking about, figured it out tho!
  5. Yeah, exactly what IS that thing you have there? It looks/sounds cool.....I might want something like it
  6. I just use a normal curly q CFL bulb in my lamp

    what did you figure out, OP?!
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  7. after googling CFL glass color potion THIS came up

    Potion Rods – Glass Alchemy

    looks like some cool glass?

    soooo whats the deal it changes color under a cfl?

    it took me like 10 minutes to figure out what I was looking at lol
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  8. :wave:

    yup! those rods are one example of the raw product that a glassblower purchases to then turn into some end product.
    you can buy them processed into different sized rods, or hollow tubes of varying width, etc.

    so then whatever that rod has been melted into will have some sort of color shift under different kinds of light. natural light / incandescent / led will show one color and then under a fluorescent bulb, the glass will express its other color profile.

    I was gonna upload my own video but got an error message so here is a great example of a “CFL color shift” from YouTube:
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  9. See the picture of the face that's half blue/purple i posted in the original start of this thread? CFL glass is glass that changes color under different warmth of lighting,so in daylight like outside Potion is blue in color,put it under a CFL light bulb and its a rich purple! There are also 2-3 other blue/grey/purple colors it changes under different bulbs also.

    Found a bulb in my basement that is exactly what u said i curly bulb and it showed my piece in purple so i had found what i was looking for but the ppl at Lowes looked me like a crazy person lmao!

    You buy glass in "rods" When you are a glass blower and turn them into whatever you would like to make the glass into!
  10. That's SOOO cool to me....I would LOVE to learn how to do that
    • Like Like x 1
  11. cool!

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