CFL closet grow help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by xMLGx 2Fad3d, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. hi i am growing in a closet 3x3x6ft high and plan on growing 3 plants. i figured i have limited width but enough height. does this mean i shouldnt lst my plants since they will get bushy or should i top each plant so it grows higher then wider? Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks! :hello:
  2. whats going on faded. I have and am currently growing in a space similar to yours. i had four plants and lst'd them during veg then let them grow tall during flower. It seemed to work pretty well but only one of the four turned out to be female. So im not sure how three would do. Just remember you want to take into account how much room your light takes up and what size containers you grow in. good luck

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