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Central Florida bud

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Ganja_SY, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. i'm having trouble finding dank all the time... every once in a while i'll come across it, who all is in central florida? and what's the dankest you've ever gotten.

    Crystal or purple urkel and probably the best strains i've gotten
  2. I'm in central florida. I know a dealer who sells medical and imported weed but its always overpriced. However, I just picked up last Sunday from a new connect and its pretty dank.
    $100 a quarter
  3. hey man im at FSU too lol we should smoke sometime
  4. fuck yeah thats what im talkin bout ym florida people in this bitch.. i got some pics on my celly ill upload i get dro all day long near tampa here
  5. 813 stand the FUCK UP
  6. one pic is some dro other is some purp i broke up so its easier to see with my shitty cell camera get different dro everyday so about every strain

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    • purp.jpg
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  7. i have trouble finding good dealers :(
    and its so sketchy nowadays, all my friends have been getting robbed i hate it.
  8. I don't know about yall, but I find it hard to find anything but dank.

  9. Maybe it's just cause i moved up here (going to valencia now), but all the "dank" i've found has been mediocre at best... i miss good ol' miami dank :(

  10. I feel you, bro... Miami does get excellent bud. I live in S. Miami. Got a good friend up in Central Florida who says the dank up there ain't always so dank, too. I plan to bring him some good ol' Miami fire :). Anywho, that's some nice looking cannabis at the top of the thread. :smoking:
  11. i usually get pretty good mango but this pick up wasn't so great:

    I live in Central/SE florida :

  12. Lol. I also go to Valencia. Holy Shit!!
  13. im in ucf area and the abundance of dank is overwheing. i have had to pick up like 4 times in the past week and its been a diff funk everytime. And as for FSU people and people in tally. Im sorry u guys are paying 340 and up for oz and not to mention all the beasters that these fags try and 30/60. anyway i love the bud in the 407
    • Like Like x 1

  14. I completely agree

  15. which campus? that's pretty crazy. but yea i mean i just moved up here so im sure i havent come across anything super dank just yet. plus none of my roommates smoke anymore, and i've got like 2 buddies up here who do, but they just moved like me lol. So i'm kind of at the will of their friends... what a transition :rolleyes:
  16. I've picked up a lot of different dank buds in the 352, my favorite was amnesia haze
    • Like Like x 1
  17. UCF student here! Havent had trouble finding some good bud here.
  18. im from the 321 and the only dank i can get is kush and orange kush, and some good crippy, but my friend got some purp one time, i juss need some good connections
  19. full sail student here, after a little while of getting only mids, ive only been able to find dank shit since - its all in the connections you have :D
  20. word u gotta hit me up i start fullsail in 3 weeks but i already moved up here looking for that fire dank .

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