Celebration of pickup!!

Discussion in 'General' started by ChronicKiller7, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Sup fellow blades, in honor of a larger than usual pickup (an O; normally 1/4's). So I cleaned my new N3rd bubbler and took some fat keif snaps :smoking: Gonna hit it more later hahaha :cool:. But I'm just chillin listening to some BBNG and OFWGKTA.
  2. Sounds like a good Friday night to me man, pass the bubbler. :bongin:
  3. Thanks man. Will post some pics soon.
  4. Some pics!

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  5. Nice man :) post a pic of the whole bag hehe I'm jealous

  6. Well I have it all stashed away and I'm too baked and tired to get up hahaha. Maybe tomorrow night!

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