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ceiling of how high you can get??

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by jmoney_sikxx, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. when smoking kb, is there a limit to how high you can get after smoking bowl after bowl?
    i'm pretty sure there is with regs but i cant really tell sometimes if kb has a limit, what do you guys think?
  2. yep, the highness caused by THC is roughly logarithmic to how much you consume.
  3. You only get so high, then you start to smoke yourself sober..

    Try getting something to eat or playing some video games and enjoy the high for a while :wave:

    Then when you start to come down, just spark up another bowl and repeat :smoking:
  4. yup, its fun to just face a lot of weed every now and then, but for the most part, just get high, and then chill out till you start to come down. lol, trust me, you will regret wasting all that weed once your sober and don't have any.
  5. Honestly the peak of your high would be passing out.

    Other than that, any different amount is going to give you a different kind of high.

    Some people though, when they smoke too much, will get burnt out. This sucks! Although, it's never happened to me. My friends have felt it though, so I can understand that it sucks.

    Normally you should just be smoking enough to get you feeling good or "better."

    It IS a medicine after all...
  6. You can smoke, or otherwise ingest THC untill you pass out. HOWEVER, the amount needed increases exponentially as your tolerance increases.

    You can smoke untill your passed out, and feel kinda drunk; however. I've done it. Lots.

  7. Body weight also. The general rule of thumb when I started smoking was that twice your body weight in marijuana is an overdose of THC.

    Yeah. And that's just an overdose...

    However, here's the Wiki-truth:


    I'd say it's safe to announce that there's no limit to how much Marijuana you can smoke.​
  8. Yeah man, there is with any weed. Eventually instead of getting higher with every hit, you become more burnt out and sober with each hit. You essentially smoke yourself sober :eek:
  9. THC IV eh? Guess I know how I'm dying. :smoke:!
  10. I've smoke Sensi Star (Indica) until friends of mine have passed out. But I've also smoked Strawberry Cough, Powerplant and Nebula (Mostly Sativa) out of a bong and vape so much that I became uncomfortably high. I had plenty of weed but didn't want to smoke anymore. For me, that was the ceiling of my high.
  11. I just made the switch from schwag to mids or something and have gotten uncomfortably high. It just felt too fucking drunk. But what I love about weed is that as a little time goes by that too high feeling will mellow out. Alcohol fucks you up til your're done.

    "Dude, You done with that fucking beer can? I need a bong!" -Nilram
  12. I heard indica has a higher ceiling than sativa... or it might be the other way around.

    I'll just test it out right now... brb.
  13. I've generally found there to be a point where I cannot get any higher by smoking. I don't reach it often, just sessions that become excessive.

    Oral ingestion is a much different case.
  14. Yeah, its incredible how high you can get with edibles. Almost like tripping:)
    but smoking too much isnt fun and is a waste...
  15. when i get into my non stop bowl sessions I eventually get really burnt. Sometimes I feel like I get a clearer/nicer high by smoking one or two bowls instead of 10
  16. i can relate to this ceiling.
    there was one time i went with a couple people
    3 people matched 1 bowl each
    so 3 bowl of some dank rolling around
    then we went over to a diferent kids house
    and matched him.
    so after the 6th bowl
    i didnt feel as stoned as the fisrt bowl haha
  17. THC IV injection has been done. Supposedly reaching the strenght/trip of DMT.
  18. yea tolerance stops you from being high
  19. When smoking marijuana, you can only get so high

    but when you eat it, there is no real limit to how high you get
  20. there is one way to have no ceiling, no matter what your tolerance is.

    Vape. Vape until you start hearing music that isn't there, and sounds you cant comprehend, and if you can stand the heat, vape until you are legitimately hallucinating (very very similar to mushrooms).

    It is a hard road to go down, but it can easily be done with a little practice and persistence.


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