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Recipe CBD infused oil questions

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Schumann, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. I've got about 1 1/2 oz of high CBD weed. I want to make CBD infused coconut oil for capsules which will be ingested. I've decarbed CBD weed at 240 degrees for 90 minutes. Now it's time to infuse the CBD/coconut oil. I know how to do that but don't know what the mix rate is. How much coconut oil should I add to an oz of CBD weed to get proper dosing?
  2. I use 2/3 cup of oil for 1/2 oz..........3 capsules and I can't walk straight.
    Make sure you get the capsules made for oil.
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  3. If you know the % of your cbd this helped me a lot. Screenshot_20230221_165807_Reddit.jpg
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  4. Thanks Mick that helps a lot. I'm already proficient in making hash oil caps but first time for CBD.
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  5. Thank you @Imnew , That's valuable information.
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  6. How do you make your hash oil caps? I think 3/4 cup of oil is too much. Do you really want to take multiple capsules? How much CBD do you want in a dose?
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  7. Hi Joker. For my hash caps, I use @BrassNwood recipe on his Hallucinating Hash Capsules thread. 5gr hash, 2.5 tsp coco oil, half tsp lecithin for 30 (0) capsules. I prefer not to take more than 3 caps at a time. CBD required for a dose would be about 100
  8. Please post your experience with your caps
    I'm working with these CBD dominant cultivars and a CBG
    The decarb on some of these new flowers is tricky
    Actually trying to preserve as much as possible while activating it
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  9. Thanks for your reply. Personally I would use the Hash Oil recipe for my CBD caps if that works to get you 100 mg in a cap or two.
  10. Well I can't find pics but last batch I made of hash oil caps was like this- I took @BrassNwood recipe and made about 300 (0) caps with the hash I had at the time. I'm not sure about the results as sometimes it only takes two and other times up to six caps. I think I have a tolerance built up to THC. I'm still making caps with @PsychedelicSam (RIP) GD recipe and infusing the oil with that. Working on a batch right now. Don't have results yet. I need an accurate THC/CBD testing machine to really know what I've got. Do you have any ideas on a tester or know anything about Purpl Pro?
  11. @JMcGD
    Lets get another Capsule maker's take on things. I don't mess with CBD as it does nothing for me. In fact it blocks the THC from doing its job. I can't get any pain relief until the damn CBD wears off completely.

  12. Interesting BNW, I've taken 300mg (mg?) CBD gummies with little to no relief from my severe chronic pain. Other members of my family swear by it. I wanted to try CBD so I don't have to get so loaded for relief. Thanks for the referral to @JMcGD
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  13. #13 Tokintb12, Feb 23, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2023
    I tried CBD for pain but think it acted better as an anti inflammatory
    After making tincture reductions I noticed the concentrated THC really diminished a lot of my chronic pain
    I take a THC break to reset my tolerance and do my pain assessment and management plan
    Thought a CBD/CBG edible would help keep my hands, shoulders and knees in check and take the edge off

    Before people go off the rails about T breaks I have a low tolerance so a small break makes a meaningful impact when I start medicating again
    Managing a lot of pain without any pharma
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  14. Hey folks.
    I make a pile of THC dominate caps and have those pretty much maxed out potency wise.
    I did a run of CBD caps made the same way using BrassnKats recipe recently, and they came out good , but not in the mega dose I was hoping for. Still, it was a good 1:1 ratio and worked great for the low dose clients.
    The license I have only lets me process ice water hash products, so tinctures are something I can’t manufacture anymore. We now carry a local company’s hemp derived tincture that’s got some tumeric in it as well, and it comes in some really high dosages.
    I agree, @Tokintb12 it seems to work best on inflammation pain. I do like a bit more THC than the .3 % in legal hemp. Up that to even 1% THC and most see improvement. My clients with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological issues definitely go for the high THC loadings.
    Personally, my chronic back pain is best addressed with a large dosage of CBD , around 250 mg, in the morning and evening, and micro dosing flower (1-2 puffs very 2-3 hours).
    I ran my CBD flower thru my Ardent Flex to decarb and infuse. I got it awhile back, and I like it. But it’s just too small for my needs usually. It has a CBD setting on it, and I had the perfect volume to try it out. Seemed to work well. I usually use the oven method though.
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