Smoking a bowl out the window, crouched in front of it so I can blow out the window. Boom, my mom walks into my room, no knock or anything. She wasn't even supposed to be home for another hour. "What are you doing? " "...looking out the window?" "Are you smoking?" "...Yeah..." She take my piece and my lighter, and then goes "How often are you smoking" "Once a week or so." She goes on and makes sure I'm not doing anything else, I let her know that I feel it has no effect on my basketball, and that I'm safe and don't smoke and drive. She says "I think some people might be flipping out, but surprisingly, I'm not. I don't think that this is a world-crashng huge deal, but I need to talk to your dad." Two minutes later, my dad comes in - and its worse. "I don't see why you're smoking at all. Its basketball season, it just doesn't make sense. Its been proven to make your grades go down, its not going to help basketball, and its bad for you." When I try to mention that my grades haven't changed, and that I don't perceive any effects on my basketball, he cuts me off - "Well, it seems like you don't seem to care about what I say, or plan to stop," and starts to leave. I have to stop him here, and then say, "No, I'll listen to what you have to say," I let him go through his shpiel, but can't remember what because I was kinda high. Something about "And those once a week guys will often turn into everyday smokers, and then they have a real issue, because those people have real problems." - I didn't say anything to that. He walks back into my room about twenty minutues later and puts my piece and lighter on my desk - "I don't want you to have this, but its smelling up my whole room," I tried to go to sleep, but couldn't. Smoked another bowl just because I doubt I'll be smoking much in the near future, and I'm back in bed now. My mom walks in about thirty minutes ago - "It smells awful in here," I say "Well Dad left that on my desk, its probably what it is," And she bring me a ziplock to put it in... terms of damage report, I'd say I got a 3 in terms of total damage (out of ten). I'm gonna have to deal with making them normal with me again, and their disappointment, and possibly with me borrowing a car (but I think not, I made it pretty clear I dont drive high), but really I just feel bad, not because I got caught, but because their perception makes them dissapointed in me. I figure I just do my thing with basketball and get good grades, and shit will blow over with enough time. Thanks for reading guys.
I feel like they handled it well compared to other stories I've read on here. Take advantage of their understanding personalities and maybe show them the Union or something.
It is not going to help with basketball son.. lol but nice sounds like you have a future of accepted weed culture
They gave you your piece back instead of smashing it, but they care if you smoke? Haha I don't see how they thought that made sense.
Seems like the type of parents that as long as you keep doing well with school and basketball, theyll be ok with you smoking sometimes
[quote name='"[[jamminout']]"] tell them your crack dealer was out of crack and you had to smoke this shitty weed stuff[/quote] Hahaha lolololol
[quote name='"[[jamminout']]"] tell them your crack dealer was out of crack and you had to smoke this shitty weed stuff[/quote] Parents love this kinda stuff
[quote name='"fucking baked"']The best part is he smoked another bowl when he got it back and got caught a second time for the day[/quote] He sort of slipped under the radar the second time and blamed the smell on his dad lol
Seriously bro youre lucky. When I got caught a few years ago when I was 16 I got put in drug counseling with legit monthly test that you can't trick.
[quote name='"b lewis"']Seriously bro youre lucky. When I got caught a few years ago when I was 16 I got put in drug counseling with legit monthly test that you can't trick.[/quote] You were put in counseling by your parents? Or was this court ordered? If it was by your parents did they just Google a good place to send you or what? Sounds horrible either way
[quote name='"stoneheir"'] You were put in counseling by your parents? Or was this court ordered? If it was by your parents did they just Google a good place to send you or what? Sounds horrible either way[/quote] My parents put me in the local Youth Service center drug rehab thing. They were convinced I was a weed addict and I needed help to quit. It was kinda hilarious cause all I told them was "I dunno" to almost every question they asked. And I failed almost every DT they gave me and all that happened was my mom cried but I despise her so it didn't matter. It sounds bad but all she ever did was fuck my life up and lie to me so I stopped giving a fuck.