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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Gamer, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Ok so idk why i'm posting this in the apprentice forum, i just couldn't find a reasonable section in the recreational toker to post it.

    As most of you know, i didn't go to college and i still live w/ my mom and dad.

    I've been toking forever, they still havent caught on until the other day when they found out.

    Now they have a watchful eye on me.

    Any hints on how to do it and still get by, i have to get up at 6am every morning for work, any ways to not seem burnt out when i wake up after a night of toking or how to get up easier in the morning after a ngiht of toking?

    I don't want them to think i still do it.

    I cant believe i have to actually ask this question after so many years..but i finally got caught.

    ps the only reason they care so much is cause i'm still under their roof, and i cant move out cause i cant afford another home of my own.
  2. What are you doing that makes you seem "burnt out" when you wake up every morning? I have never experienced this. I usually wake up feeling refreshed after toking and going to sleep. Just want to help...
  3. Alright. just chill, and smoke a quickie on the way to work.

  4. i cant be high at my job aha i work with machinery all day.

    idk, i usually toke around 10pm (tradition) and when i get up at six i can hardly get out of bed, i usually go to bed at 12 or 1
  5. t-break my man

  6. yeah but thats the problem, i love smoking, as does everyone.
  7. Well, there's is your problem, 5 hours of sleep tends to make people tired when they wake up.
  8. Coffee lots and lots of coffee
  9. Just don't smoke so late so you can go to bed earlier then. You just might be tired from only getting like 5 hours of sleep.
  10. you just gotta deal with it for the time being, shit sucks i know, but you gotta do what you gotta do
  11. I agree, I don't think it's the smoking that makes you tired and "burnt out" in the mornings, I think it's the fact that you sleep 5 or 6 hours a day.. toke earlier and go to bed early enough to get at least 8 hours of sleep.

    Happy Toking!
  12. yeah idk about you guys
    but if i get 6 hours or less i feel pretty damn tired in the morning.
    i dont think its the weed
  13. most american adults only get about 5-6 hours of sleep per night be that as it may you might need to try to get to sleep earlier if i have slept on my high im pretty sure i wont feel burnt out afterwards like you are try to burn after you get off work then chill let your high come down and then sleep...
  14. You cant move out but you are working? Are you at least helping with the bills and rent then? Cuz if youre not then they have every right to be pissed at you but if you are then you should bring that up and tell them youre not smoking under their roof (or are you?) and you shouldnt have to try to hide things from them cuz youre too old for that.
  15. Can't you just take a hit in your car on your way home?

    Alternatively: edibles. One of the stealthiest method.
  16. Need more info on the situation if you want to go on ninja like. Tbh if you want to get by ONLY smoke either:

    a) when they are out of the house
    b) you get out of the house and smoke somewhere quiet
    c) only smoke at night

    If you're doing it inside make sure it's out of a window obviously. Try to make a carbon sploof out of activated carbon pellets and an empty bottle, this will help you out in the long run. Purchase some febreeze to clear it up afterwards and make sure you clean up after yourself at all times.

    Job done happy tokin :)
  17. huh...when i toke alot, lets take my night last night for example.

    i drove to visit my buddy and pickup around 4, smoked 5 bowls between 4 and 6, i was fuckin blazed just coming off my T-break and i hadnt smoked more than a bowl at a time.

    my buddy kicked me out around 7:30, still blazed of course (hate how he does that, we smoke and then wont let me sober up)...drove home, very dangerously, DONT drive BLAZED, although i did quite well, alot easier than drivin drunk.

    so put a movie in and enjoyed the rest of my high, went to bed around 12:30-1, set alarm for 8am but i was sitting there awake and refreshed b4 my alarm even went off (which i hate!)

    ok sorry i am blazed now too long!

    long story short, SLEEP MORE. dont know your age but the average person needs atleast 6 hours of sleep. if i only got 5 hours of sleep i would be a grouchy mother fucker.

    but i normally get around 7-8 hours of sleep. if i had to get up at 6am, i would be in bed around 10-11. i guess there is a reason my parents are always going to bed around 10-11 and waking up for work around 6
  18. smoke earlier so you have more time to sleep.
  19. i didnt read the whole thread so i dont know if someone already posted this, but yea toke when you have days off or when you get out of work, always make sure you dont smell like weed and ALWAYS have eye drops, if they say anything just say you've been tired at work or something

    good luck man :]
  20. What about being buzzed? :smoke:

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