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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kfx450r, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Well, parents finally found out I smoke. Didnt catch me doing it but i confessed after they suspected..As far as they know i quit about a month ago. Didnt get in any trouble but lost a little trust. This sucks..thankfully didnt find my stash or peices..But imma get rid of em anyways, stick to blunts and joints now.
  2. I don't understand what the point of this is. What do you want us to do?
  3. #3 bullwinkle, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Why don't you do some research and educate them a bit on cannabis.

    The Union
    [ame=]The Union[/ame]

    In Pot We Trust
    [ame=]In Pot We Trust[/ame]
  4. Eh. Mail me your pieces if you are getting rid of them;)
  5. Yeah... I think you should try to limit threads to questions or advice. But yeah I know what you are going through. Pretty much all of my friends have been caught and some parents react differently. Just be thankful you got off easy and try to be more careful.:smoking:
  6. Why don't you move out?
  7. What year is ur KxF450? i have a 01 Yz250F that i race. I just got back from practice and i have a race im goin to smoke a bong and go wash the bike an get it prepped and ready for 2morrow. Its good to hear u told ur parents other than they catching u in the act. +rep that takes some balls.
  8. dam that sicks broski
  9. Why don't you try talking to them? The cat is out of the bag now, so here is your opportunity to clear the air and properly educate them.
  10. I agree, EVEN if you want to continue lying to them, at least make an attempt to try and change their view, The union is great, also inform them on Medical marijuana.
  11. my mom was pretty angry when she found out i smoked .
    but then i showed her all the facts and stuff and she is pretty cool with it now :D
  12. its the opposite for me my mom was cool with it before but now shes a bitch about it lol
  13. Okay wow... you should have denied! I mean they didnt even catch you redhanded and you confessed.... You might as well sell your piece to your friends for a cheaper price if you want to get rid of it...

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