Hi, can anyone help me out My mom found a little dimebag and she completely freaked out and thinks i do other drugs now. Ive only smoked about 5 times but i smoked like 3 days ago do you think if i were to be given a drug test it would show up?
Yeah. it depends on your body/activity level, but THC will remain for a while. But on the brightside, a drug-test would clear up your mother's suspicions of other drugs. Pot's better than Heroin after all.
You'll be fine in 7 days if it's your first time smoking in a few weeks or a month. (with a drug test)
Yeah tell her you will prove you don't do other drugs by a drug test. Also, drink beaucoup water and piss A LOT to get the weed outa your system. Niacin is also good too but it makes your stomach fuck up and it makes me shit like crazy lol.
Yeah dude.. This happened to my friend. He made up some bullshit story about how this Kid told him that he had to pass it off to another kid at school. His mom went out and bought a drug test, he said he had the shits and sat on the toilet chugging waters for like an hour.. His mom was so proud of him when he passed and now she trusts him even more. I usually eat like Thai Curry the day after That way I'm forced to drink ALOT of water (because its so spicy) And I end up peeing until It's clear. I don't know If that actually works, But its my way of detox That I came up with in my own little stupid head .
Tell her its not drugs, and not to worrie about her son being a drug addict........because its a plant that you smoke, like tobbacco is a plant that you smoke.