Caught, could use suggestions

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by higherfire, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So when i got back from school, my mom called me into my room and said my dad had found my rolling papers... so i admitted i burned ...we had long ass conversations at two different parts of the day.. my dad has still yet to say anything about it to me

    they also didn't take the papers out of my room haha so im not really sure what this means

    i also convinced my mom to watch the union soon,

    any other advice on how to convince them that smoking really isn't as bad as government portrays and society thinks?

  2. Educate them on the benefits of weed over alcohol. If they have any shred of intelligence they'll get it.
  3. yeah i did that, and they don't disagree, but they look as alcohol as a substance and weed a "drug", even though alcohol is worse
  4. Same suggestion I give to every one of these threads:

    Turn 18, grow up and move out.

    If you're living under your parents house, you need to follow their rules. It's respectful and the right thing to do.

  5. Sure, but if no conversation has ever taken place before the event, there's no reason why he shouldn't try to make a valid argument towards its benefits. However if they've put down the ultimatum that they don't want you smoking weed, you shouldn't smoke weed until you're out, probably

  6. lol i love how so many ppl on this site assume your not 18 because you get caught by your parents. A lot of people are 18 and still are in high school, i believe its VERY NORMAL!

    To the OP, educate your parents, they need to understand that the only dangerous part of weed is that it is illegal. If they love you and your smart they will probably trust you in not getting caught. Because most ppl that get caught by the fuzz usually aren't to bright or they didn't take the proper precautions. You can smoke as much weed as you want, as long as your smart about it and don't let it run your life.

    If you can do that then your parents will be more lenient.
  7. Educate them. If they still disagree, and don't want you smoking in their house, then respect that and smoke elsewhere.
  8. I never smoke in the house, my mom also said shes always going to be concerned im doing it when i got out, which sucks

    but shes probably right, im just working my hardest to prove that it doesnt effect your judgment to the point you make irrational decisions
  9. you should've never admitted to smoking if they only found your rolling papers and not your stash.
  10. I didn't really want to lie, i feel that if your open with parents they will respect you more, my mom also thanked me for my honesty afterward

  11. Yea man thats the smartest way to deal with your parents, if your open about what you do in your life they will respect you more. This worked with my parents, and because of that they have treated me as an adult. Lying would just make it worse, they know if you lie, sort of freaky.
  12. Don't put Marijuana as your #1 priority. Weed is awesome and all, but don't make it your life. Your parents will not like it, and you prolly won't either.

    Put effort into smoking occasionally, not everyday. Put effort into finding a job. They will respect you and let you make your own choices.

    If you instead become a "burnout" and constantly beg for money and can't live without your parents money, it will become an issue.

    Good luck. Be strong. Weed will ALWAYS be there. You are very young. You should live another 40+ years minimum. Lots of time to smoke weed.
  13. Come on man did you even read his post? His parents are close to accepting his recreational activities. The Union should pretty much do it man, if they believe that its a credible source it will be more then enough.

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