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Caught At School

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stoner85, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 Stoner85, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Well, I messed up. Really bad.
    I got caught with bud for the first time yesterday. I picked up about 4-5 grams of really good dank right before the first bell rang at school and I had it in my shoe the whole day. I put it in my shoe to help hide the smell, then I sprayed a tiny bit of axe on the side of my shoe. I know it's stupid to pickup at school, but I didn't have school the next day and I was going to be home alone all day so I wanted to blaze. Me and my friend pay 50-50 to get weed from his dealer, who I've never met. I trust my friend and we smoke together on the weekends. Last weekend, I was supposed to take some weed home and he was supposed to take the rest, but I was "too high" so he took everything. I wasn't going to pickup at school but I felt like I had too because I realllly needed a smoke due to some problems I was having. Well, I got caught with it in my possession. I didn't smoke at school because that's stupid, and I wasn't going to sell, it was for my own personal use. In last period, the assistant principal came to my class, pulled me out, and asked me if I had something that I shouldn't have. Now, I thought he had probable cause to search me because some kids had been telling me how strong it smelled, so I said yes and told him I had bud. I had to cough up my diesel and 5 zig zags. They told me I had the right to remain silent, so I wasn't talking. Then, they kept telling me how bad I was fucking myself over by not talking. I wanted to just say, "You found my weed, arrest me for possession and paraphenilia, suspend me, then goodbye." But they pretty much pressured me into talking. They played me. I had to tell them my friend gave me the weed, had to give his name, and he had about 10 grams at his house (we had a half O total) but on his possession he had 45 zig zags and my lighter. They busted him for possession because I tried to make it sound like he doesn't sell to me, we just buy together, even though he didn't have weed on him, and got him for paraphenelia. The school cop said he was lucky she was in a good mood other wise he would've gotten distributing, but instead he got the same thing as me. Now I have two misdemeanors on my record, I got suspended for 3 days, I have to go to a drug program called FACE IT, and I got my phone taken away, lost a little less than $200 worth of weed, and I have to go to court on Monday. Oh, and I get random drug tests now.

    I didn't get the normal 10 day suspension because I've never gotten in trouble with the law before (that's not true, I've never gotten arrested, so that's what they thought) and the kids at school think I snitched on my friend. I'm still cool with my friend though and he doesn't see it as ratting him out; he understood everything.

    Now, what should I have done???

    Sorry for the wall of text, thanks!!
  2. #2 Albino_Rhino, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    you ratted on your friend?

    (removed some nasty language, i dont wanna be rude lol)


    edit: what should you have done?

    not rat your buddy out, not talk, not say anything except "fuck you, charge me or release me" that is all.
  3. "But they pretty much pressured me into talking. I had to tell them my friend gave me the weed."

    I don't see how they pressured you into talking. There are millions of excuses you could have come up with that didnt incriminate anyone else.
    but its in the past now though, so there's no point looking back...
  4. I know, I messed up. They knew I was in a vulnerable position, and they got me.
    But, could you please tell me, what I should have done? I also had to write a sworn statement giving details to everything that happened and in the statement I refused to give his name or mention how I got it.
  5. I know, I'm just wondering, in that position, what should I have done.
  6. You snitched man? Damn dogg you can't be doin that. ALWAYS exercise your right to remain silent. Don't make things worse than the situation already is.
  7. Also, since when is zig zags automatically paraphenelia? Are wraps automatically considered that if you also have weed?
  8. Anything really... you found the weed in a bush at school and you took it... you got it from a dealer who you met in the park and therefore you dont have his name / number.

    Or even better, dont say anything. They always say shit like you are only making it worse by talking etc, but the law is the law.... whether you speak or not, you're still getting the same punishment.

  9. You're right. I messed up really bad, won't happen again.
    All the, "it'll help your situation if you talk" stuff was bullshit, and I knew it was bullshit, because I got the same punishment I would've gotten.

  10. What you SHOULD have did?

    wrapped the herb in multiple bags or peices of paper to contain the smell, kept it in your backpack between the pages of a book or binder, and kept your backpack close to you at all times. If still caught, you should not have talked... at ALL. Tell them some bullshit story about some anonymous person who randomly offered you herb and you took it. DO-NOT-RAT.

    Honestly man, I know some people who would LITERALLY kill you for that.
  11. You gotta be a little smarter than that if you're gonna grab piff at school.
    Why hide that shit in your shoe, wrap it up in a piece of paper and stick it in the bottom of your bag.
    Never keep it on your body.
  12. Hahahahahahahahahaha...........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    phew alright. got that out. Sorry, I laugh everytime one of my friends acts a fool with officers.

    What you should have done is listened when they said you had the right to remain silent, but you didn't and before that you even ADMITTED GUILT to possesion. So already you were fucked. Then the SWORM STATEMENT WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY YOU may have fucked you over. Also, you incriminated people who were not even caught up with you.

    You basically got caught, admitted everything, got scared, tattled on a friend who was in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM in trouble and fucked him over too.

    Reread my post two or three times, slowly, it will sink in where you made your mistakes.

    P.s. You're white huh? Most white kids I know have no idea what their rights are or how to conduct themselves around police without tattling on others.
  13. What should you have done?
    You shouldn't be smoking at school.
    You shouldn't have had dank smelling bud in your back pack. Get a jar. It's not expensive.
    You shouldn't have brought your friend into the problem.
    You should apologize.
    Be smarter and learn from your past.
  14. Thanks dude.
    By the way, I had the weed in two bags, one bag had like one big nug, and the other had grinded up weed, and they said if they wanted to, they could expel me for possession with intent to sell because it was in multiple bags. The bag with shake in it was smaller than the other bag, so i stuffed that bag inside the other one. How is that intent to sell, a felony???
  15. No shit it won't happen again, your fucked now and kiss your freedom of smoking days goodbye.
    If you knew it was BS why did you talk?
    It's your fault for being dumb enough to bring weed into school, just take the punishments like a man, even though you snitched like a bitch.
  16. I did apologize, I didn't smoke at school, if you read the post, I said I was just picking up and not smoking, it was not in my backpack it was in my shoe, to mask the smell a little, I messed up for sure by bringing him intp the problem, and I'm trying to learn what I should have done.
    That wasn't meant to sound like an asshole post, but I'm sure it did. My bad
  17. Sounds like you kinda deserved to get caught with your bonehead moves. They played you and you snitched.. Glad I wasn't your friend or I'd beat your ass for that move. Maybe you should take a little break from the herb looks like your gonna have to.
  18. Give your friend some free weed next time you toke togehter. Snitching ain't cool, they didn't pressure you, you just had a weak mind.

    "Some guy asked if i wanted to try weed. I was curious so i said yes, but he told me i could get the rest 4 gram cheap. Now, some guys must have seen that. I didn't know why i did it. Im sorry..."

    It's weed. Pretty much harmless. Like peacefull chineesee guy. Dont sweat man..
  19. Nope, it didn't.

    Just take what I said man.

    Don't be bringing your habits to school. Whether to be picking up or to be smoking. It's not worth the risk. Or your friendship. School is only what... Six hours? You could have easily waited for after school to pick up.. Especially since you're weren't going to be smoking at school.
  20. Thanks for the steriotypical post. I knew that I had to tell them I had it, because they had probable cause for searching me.

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