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Caught, Again.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Poet, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Ok guys, was caught around a year ago (17 at this time) and mom took away everything and grounded me for a month.

    Now, I'm 18, still live with mom, yesterday she found my grinder in the bathroom. She took it and put it in her closet. And did not speak a word of this to me. I just found it in her closet and took it back :p. This morning she asked if I've been in her bathroom (replied no).

    What do you think I should say now?
  2. why where you going through your moms closet?
  3. Looking for the grinder.
  4. [​IMG]

    Ask your mother for tree fiddy.
  5. She's not as dumb as she looks, she already knows!
  6. Lmao, maybe. She had thrown away a little piece of a torn blunt wrap. Didn't say anything =/ But don't think she looked at it really.
  7. Don't say anything. You already denied, so now you're stuck in it. NEVER BRING IT UP AGAIN. If she asks, then just keep denying. Don't get too defensive, either, that just makes you look guilty. Turn it into a joke if she says she put something in there and now it's missing, ask her if she's starting to develop alzheimer's. Heh.

    At least, that's what I'd do. And then change the subject.

    And deny, deny, deny.

    And then, toke, toke, toke! :smoke:
  8. Honesty is the best policy
  9. Think I should try to convince her it's not bad?

    I've been smoking pretty steadily for a year or so, almost everyday. Went to the doctor 2 days ago and doctor said I had "Perfectly Well Lungs". Should I bring it up in the convo?
  10. Changing the subject works. Lol.

    But deny it. And be like. Oh yeah mom. I'm about to go here today blah blah. Just something random. to change the subject.
  11. You got some serious splainin to do.
  12. i just wouldn't worry about it your 18 now.
  13. Super, I still don't want my mother to shun me from the rest of my family because of this.. I do have others that I care for... And I do not want to leave her house under bad grounds. I would rather leave when I am ready to move out.. Not when I'm forced.
  14. Unless your mom like secretly doesn't mind pot, she's probably not going to listen to you when you tell her it's not bad.

    All junkies think their shit ain't bad.
  15. You must not have a a very mature relationship with your mom, I don't know your mom or how she acts but I'm sure she would have more respect for you if you were open and honest.

    Your moms a person to

    and older than you and has more life experience thus making her more Entitled to her opinion

    But it's really healthy to talk to your mom about whats going on in your life. ever since I stopped BSing my mom shit's been alot better.

    tell her whats really good in the hood

    I'm 20 years old and it took me 18 years to figure this out
  16. Just tell your mom, talk to her about it like an adult. Hey it might even lead to you being in a better position than you are right now :smoke:

    it worked for me
  17. I'm 24. If I don't tell my parents things, then they ignore them and we can all pretend like it's not happening. It's nice.
  18. I'll try my best, if nothing works then I'll just tough it out till everything gets back to norml ;)
  19. Well, you're 18 now. Tell your mom to stop hiding your shit in her closet, hehe. :smoke:
  20. ask her to smoke a blunt with her, introduce her to the worlds biggest medicine :wave::D:hello::smoke:

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