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Catnip.. Does it work?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DMX, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Can you smoke catnip and acheive a high off of it. If so how much and what kind? If you have experienced catnip please reply and inform me about it. I dont need people telling me its dumb, i just want to know if it does get you high.

  2. [​IMG]

  3. ive done it with green tea!
  4. People do smoke it,it doesn't get you high though.
  5. Personally have never done it but I have friends who tried it and they said it wasn't that great.. more like a slight head buzz then anything. Probably not too good for you.
  6. I went on Erowid to that link you showed me, and most of the reviews says it makes you feel different. I believe it does work and willtry it 1 day.
  7. Ha I'm currently on a tolerance break, and i got an ounce of organic catnip to hold me off. ONLY BUY ORGANIC, nothing else because it most likely has some fucked up things in it. I smoke a joint of it whenever I reaaaaally want bud. It's no substitute, but it gives me a certain head feeling i get when smoking the ganja. When spliffed w/ a bit of tobacco it's pretty rad.
  8. Grow your own catnip, it will be stronger than the store stuff.

    While it won't get most people high, some local kitties will love you for it :D

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