
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MotoAnt, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. Did the 2 week flush and as I was getting ready to harvest I noticed the very top of two buds at the top of my plant were really dark brown and crumbled easy to the touch. Then I saw the little green bastard and my heart sunk.

    Today was supposed to be harvest day, my plan was to cut the plant at the base and hang inside to dry. Am I fucked??
  2. Nice clean bugs but wait......
    • Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of different flushing times on chemical profile, flavor, and smoking characteristics in Cannabis flower.
    • Flushing periods of 14, 10, 7 and 0 days were imposed on Cherry Diesel.
    • No differences were detected between flush treatments for yield, potency, or terpenes.
    • Analysis of mineral content of leaves indicated small changes in content of iron and zinc.
    • Taste test panelists tended to prefer flower flushed for 0 days.
    Cannabis Flushing Research Trial

    harvest anyways the bugs will fall off

    good luck
  3. Whew! Thank you!!

    Everything has being going perfect from start to harvest for my first time growing and the thought of being done in by a bug was not a good feeling.
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  4. its too late to try and fix with chemical you can try but!!!
    I have the same issue with aphids, once the plant is harvested they are a lost cause, any sucking of the sap helps me more than them

    they will run/crawl off giving time
  5. I don't want to risk using chemicals at this stage, I cut the buds off a good 4 inches below where I found the caterpillars and gave the the rest of my plant a look over as best I could so fingers crossed.

    This is a good bud I snipped off and prettied up just for photo ops:D Applesauce 9-18-23.jpg
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  6. Leave them a week yet and start spraying with BT Thuricide. Hit them, wait 3 days and nail them again.
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    • Agree Agree x 1

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