Recently i located a very small cattepillar on one of my outdoor plants, that has nibbled on a few leaves. (very small amount of damage). However my concern is more coming back, what can i do to repel catepillars, and also, is there a possibility they laid eggs or somthing of that sort on the plant? I think it was just the one, which doesent suprise me, im only 1 1/2 months in and my plant is smelling like the chronic. So i assume small insects like that will be attracted. The cannabis grow bible reccoments repellant, but im looking for somthing different. Any advice? - Vince
Yo man, This was in Stylez's Sticky. It is for slugs and snails but will probably work for caterpillars too: Slugs/Snails - The common slug is too common a pest to even need much of an introduction. Slugs attack a wide range of plants, causing anything from slight damage to death. Solution - Unfortunately, there is no foolproof method for eradicating slugs. All one can hope for is to reduce their numbers and protect plants when they're at a vulnerable stage. Toads, frogs, and beetles eat slugs and are worth encouraging in your garden. One of the best ways of dealing with slugs is to use physical barriers. Place plastic bottle cloches around plants, or sprinkle circles of lime, eggshells, or sawdust around plants. Slugs are attracted to saucers or plastic pots of milk or beer (they drown themselves in ecstasy). To be sure you're keeping your slimy slug population under control; collect them by hand at night or on damp days. Try collecting them under a tile or wet cardboard, and squash all eggs you find while digging. Placing a saucer of salt is another method that's as old as the hills. Martha Stewart recommends coiling a piece of wire around the base of your plants to give slugs a shocking experience. Of course Martha probably doesn't have the same plants in her garden as we do, but we won't tell her if you don't.
this is what I use: I fill up a small pot with water and dump in a bunch of cayenne pepper, minced garlic (fresher the better), onions, and a little cloves. I steep this brew for about an hour. I then pour it through a sieve, and then a coffee filter. Then I put it in a spray bottle and add a couple drops of IVORY soap. This takes care of just about anything. A buddy of mine soaks a cig. or two in that steeping water for the nicotine. I don't do this because I don't want to add any tobacco juice to my buds, but it probably doesn't hurt it.