Cat or Dog?

Discussion in 'General' started by ridnkawie4life, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Are you a cat or dog person? Cats can relate to us "stoners" because all they seem to do is mellow out, eat food, and lay around all day. Dogs on the other hand are more active and can interact with us and motivate us to get out of the house and go play.

    I was watching a show the other day called "CATS 101" on animal planet or somethin and i heard a story of a cat that ran away. This cat escaped from Milwaukee Wisconsin one day and ended up being found in France one month later. It had escaped its owners and wandered into a paper mill where it was accidentally packed up in a paper shipment that was set out to be delivered by ship to France. This cat went 30 days packed up in this shipment and apparently did not have any food for the entire time. IT SURVIVED AND WAS DELIVERED BACK TO ITS FAMILY!!!

    Cats can be cool sometimes, but I myself am a dog person!
  3. i like cat dogs... why is tehre no options for catdog?


    just look at these motherfuckers
  4. TOUCHE!! now that is quite a creature!!
  5. Dogs most definatly.
  6. yeah im a dog person.
  7. Cats.

    I don't like dogs very much.
  8. Cats like to sit around and be pet all day.

    You can play with dogs and then you can pet them when your both tired afterwards.

    Dogs +1
  9. Though I voted dog, I've lived with a cat for the last two years now and I am insanely in love with cats.
    Just think dogs are more awesome. haha.
  10. I don't have a good time having dogs around me. Either they're boring or they're yelling at me all the time (bad dog karma maybe?). But cats are awesome. I get on with them much better than i do with dogs. I think humans are more similar to cats than any other species when it comes to behaviour.

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