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Carters closet expedition and conversation

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by CarterCannabis, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. #1 CarterCannabis, Mar 15, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
    Hello fellow blades!
    Carter here,
    It's been some years since I've grown but I'm finding some extra time to regain the hobby.
    I hope people follow along with tips/questions/concerns so we can all actively learn here.

    Set up:
    Right now I have a 24" X 24" X 48" tent with some compact fluorescents waiting for some seeds to pop. I have a 60 watt compact fluorescent coming in the mail that I'll be using mainly for the babies/vegging and then I'll kick on my Mars hydro 300 watt (140+ true watt) LED that is also on its way. I'm not sure if I'll be adding any more supplemental light for flowering, I guess I'll see how it goes. For intake I have a 4" open port on the bottom of the tent with tubing to deflect light. For exhaust there's a small P/C type fan connected to the ducting on top of the tent. Temperatures seem okay for now, although I'll be readjusting when the LED gets here to see what's going on.

    Right now I have two bag seeds going and a cookie puss seed (Cat piss X Cookies) that germinated maybe a day or so ago. I'm just using these scrap seeds to see how everything initially works out. I plan on ordering more seeds very soon. Probably going with a couple of autoflowers to start depending on how these test seeds run. I've had good experience with attitude seeds and herbies in the past, if anyone has any suggestions on seed banks chime in!

    I went with fox farms ocean forest and I watered it really good for a flush a couple of times as to not burn any babies. (I know ffof can be heavy on plants). I also mixed in perlite at about a 1:2 ratio of perlite:soil.

    I'm going with part of the hydro-organics line with some fish emulsion and probably some others once bloom comes around. I'll be adding the solution to distilled water, then checking the pH, adjusting accordingly, and aerating for about an hour or two before feeding. Going on an on-off schedule depending on how they react. Meaning every other watering, I feed.

    Below I'm attaching some photos and please any and all comments are welcome. I'm going to continuously post my grow and its progress in here so feel free to subscribe!


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  2. I also forgot to mention I have two 3-Gal air pots coming in that I'll be using for the autoflowers (providing I decide to go with two of them). If the cookie puss turns out to be female, I'll definitely be transplanting her into one of the air pots and growing her first all by herself in the tent.


    I'm seriously only here to interact with fellow/future growers and exchange knowledge and information.

    Thanks all, .

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  3. Set up looks good. I'll be following your progress. I'm using a 40x40 and all I can say is that you'll wish you had gone bigger in about 3...2...1...
    If you're just doing a straight up soil grow you will only be able to flower two, maybe three plants...(maybe more with SOG) which of course is plenty for any remotely sane person. Never the less around grow 2 or 3, space allowing, you'll sell this rig to a friend and get a 4x4. ;) No snideness or irony implied. Just speaking from experience. Best of luck and keep us posted!

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  4. Thanks man! Excited to have someone along. That's a decent size for sure. Well the thing is, I had only about 30" of width to work with.. I could have went with the 5' tall tent but they wanted an extra $100.

    Exactly, I plan on only two really, or one scrog (if the cookie puss pulls through good). SOG sounds good for some autos I could probably squeeze four in there in three gallon pots with some more light. I'm definitely pondering some options.

    Haha you're definitely right there though.. As soon as I'm able to size up I am for sure.. Thank you and will do! I'm always on GC forum, first thread for this account though .

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  5. Anddddd we have liftoff on the Cookie x Cat Piss cross. . What mighty long cotyledons it has.. [​IMG]

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  6. Just added an Apollo horticulture 60w compact fluorescent and took out the others. Temperature still seems okay. Still waiting for the LEDs but the little baby seems to like it!

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  7. [​IMG]

    Coming along!

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  8. Nice setup! Is it a stealth op?

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  9. Thank you! I'll be updating everything soon. Have more going on inside.

    It's sort of stealth.. As much as I can be. Lol. Hard exhausting from a closet without having too much noise.

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  10. Yeah that's my problem noise. I don't want to have to hide them in the forest for flowering either. I'm still in thw process of setting mine up. I just add something new everyday til it's perfect. :)

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  11. Exactly. You gotta love the stealth. Lol. Do you have a lot of wooded areas? I thought about it and have done it in the past, but I'm in a city, it's really tough to find good spots. That's the way to do it! Little by little, always adjusting when necessary. I'm following your process along as well .

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  12. I'm also in the city, however I have a lot of secret spots to hide my girls around haha. Worse case scenario is I have to take them up to the cottage but then I can't really care for them unless I stay up there so. I'm just keeping them small as possible hence 'Super micro'. I have a couple nearby places picked out already, unfortunately pest invested area though.

    So the babies are in my basement bedroom hiding from the family. Got plenty of cool air and privacy. Just no door that locks. I have to rely on my hiding skills to pull this one off. Everyday there's a risk of compromise.

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  13. Well that's pretty cool. Sounds like you've got some options. Depending on the weather of the area you wouldn't have to tend to them that often. The wooded areas around here are popular trails or protected areas so it's tough. That's a problem here too. Pests everywhere. Yeah that's an awesome place. If I had a basement that's exactly where I'd grow. Well it sounds like a solid spot. Definitely is lol. With big risk comes big reward though.

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  14. #14 CarterCannabis, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016

    Day 4/5 for my little seedling, looking pretty good. I was a little tipsy and stoned last night trying to re-wire everything and I accidentally knocked it over with the fan but I think I just minimally shocked it. I didn't see any roots exposed but I re-secured the peat pellet with some soil around the edges. Good as new. [​IMG]

    It'll be alright. I hooked up the LEDs to see how my temperatures were reading and it was saying in the mid to upper 80's and I know this will be a problem in the future. [​IMG]

    Other than that things are looking great! I'm really excited to get the ball rolling. They sent me the wrong size air pots but they said I could keep them and they'll send me more, awesome . Considering how expensive the damn things are. [​IMG]
    The 60 watt CFL seems to be doing a great job. I also added in the Massey fan to blow the little buddy around and try to disperse some heat.

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  15. Looking good and I'll be watching in the in the wings.

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  16. So I just planted another baby, this ones a kritikal Bilbo autoflower, from genetihk seeds I think. I've had it a couple years and want to use it as a test run for autos. I soaked it in distilled water for 24 hrs then straight into a peat pellet under light. I would like to grow 2-3 in here. The Cookie Puss is looking great. Anyone have any comments on the color, or is it okay? [​IMG]

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  17. The color looks awesome. Mine are yellowing around the edges, but seems to be growing leaves faster than the yellow spreads.

    You got your hands on a pretty professional setup there. Shouldn't have many problems.

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  18. #18 CarterCannabis, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
    Thanks man I appreciate the input. Really? Do you know why?

    Well last time I grew It's been some time and I don't want to make any rookie mistakes.

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  19. I thinking it's because of the test nutrient solution I made for the seedlings. Very diluted. However much have put to much grass fertilizer in with the cocoa powder.

    Right now I'm just sitting back and watching what happens. The leaves were feeling a bit dry aswell so I listed them and raised the lights up an inch.

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  20. Things are pretty cool today temperature wise, but I know things are going to shoot up in the future. I've been looking into this.. I think I'm going to buy it and try it out for my small grow. [​IMG]
    Control temperatures and humidity...

    That would be nice.

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