Carrying Cases

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Blazed Buckeye, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. It seems like everyone that I smoke with has a cool little case to hold small pipes, lighters, eyedrops, etc. Where are some places that I could find a pocket-sized zipper case to hold a one hitter, drops, lighter, and bud?

    Online is okay too. What do you guys use? :smoke:
  2. I have a little tin I use for my rolling supplies. I have Elements SW and 1 1/4 papers, DLX filter tips, a tiny pair of scissors for fixes, trims and fancy shit, a poke I made myself, and a bobby pin for pinners.

    My eyedrops usually sit in my drawer, I only take em out for work/school, put em in right before I leave they rarely leave the house. Lighter goes in my pocket, anything else (extra weed, vape, etc.) goes in a bag if I'm bringing that much.
  3. Just get a Hawaiian shirt, fanny pack, and some sandals. Nobody will ever suspect a touristy looking person.

    But really though, fanny pack.
  4. That use to be my piece. I just recently broke it but it was about 2 1/2 feet and I use to walk around with that shit in a tennis bag wrapped in bubble wrap. Never actually played tennis though

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  5. I use my satchel
    It has fasts beads and a peace sign on it
    Its big enough to carry a pipe papers a lighter and after all that I can probably fit like 4 or 5 gs in there

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