Carnivore or Herbivore...IE good or bad bug?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by wwout, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Any Idea if this is a good or bad bug? Should I worry? Thoughts?

    Attached Files:

  2. predator bug. You are good.
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  3. What is it called?
  4. Not a bug guy as far as knowing the names, or latin orgin..... However I know what bugs eat my plants, which bugs are a threat, and how big of a threat. I don't worry much about these guys.

    I would guess the same family as these guys
    Sawfly - Wikipedia
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  5. Basic rule of thumb ive been told is " if it is moving around like it's looking for something it's good "
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  6. Its great black wasp aka digger wasp
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  7. Good to know I dont need to worry about them

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