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Caribbean weed.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by praisedkatt, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. #1 praisedkatt, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    I was thinking a while back. I'm from Trinidad and I've been in the US for about 6 yrs now. always smoked weed. When I came to the US and started buying weed I came to realize something: People in the weed industry have the art of growing down to a science, but back home (at least a few years back) its very simple. A few of the farmers I knew that grew just been growing with techniques a few generations old, not based on much science with simple methods of growing and cultivation, simple tools everything (ironically some of them were armed with good technology lol).

    Anyway to the point. Having said all this, I also realized something: I never get a fucked up stoopid high as when i go back home and smoke. Don't get me wrong I have had alot of really good weed in the US (and in several different states and cities) but not many of them can compare to the shit i smoke back home. And this aint me thinking of the good ol times and building it up in my head, I go back there several times a year. And its always the same. Also a few of my US friends that have gone to the caribbean for vacation have said the same thing. I just thought it was bit ironic that with all that tech behind the industry here, very little has com close the the stuff that was grown simply. I was thinking maybe it was the weather or climate or soil or forests or flora and fauna or something. I dunno. Oh and don't get me wrong there have been a could jus alright or crappy smokes back home but those aren't as often as the good shit

    Feel free to share ur thoughts experiences or disagreement on this.
  2. <--- firm believer in caring for a plant on a personal basis produces a better plant.
  3. Because trinidad is all about that organic man, u might find people selling amazing looking weed who have growing down to a science in the US but have u ever asked the people u buy from if they smoke what they sell?

    You will find a lot of people who sell dont actually smoke, so they dont care what fucked up fertilizers and chemicals they put in it as long as they get a bud that looks really big and covered in crystals.

    Weed is from the earth and should remain that way, organic and looked after, and this is why i believe back home your highs were a better quality.
  4. you guys really think that "love" makes a better plant?? I'd love to see a scientific investigation on this, despite the all these opinions
  5. oh hell yeah man...if this is the case then damn I ma be on one those islands in jan...Dominica. and its only lik 200miles south of me so damn I ma gonna enjoy some good bud in couple of months...

  6. in my opionion, i think that growers on the islands prolly have straight namebrands, original stuff that is not crossbred with multiple other strains. idk

    just a thought
  7. this, they arent growing all that hybrid crap.
  8. maybe its the dirt? I know cuban cigars are special because of the families that grow tabacco and sapposedly the soil there is better for plants than around the world..
  9. you konw i would not be surprised!!
    everythign in states is regular fertilizer and chemically enhanced crap... only some ppl try to go all organic...damn u miracle gro!!!! lol

    funny metaphor;

    rocky:drago as caribbeans soil:carp used by state growers
  10. I smoked weed in Dominican Republic before. It looked like that brick, brown, dry Mexican stuff. I was slightly high, not very much, though. I know it wasn't shit compared to the stuff I smoke here in the states.
  11. i'm gonna say its psychological. Theres really no reason for the bud to be unanimously better in trinidad when they don't grow plants to their full potential. I mean whats all this crap we're putting up with as a community with weed being 50x stronger than ever before? they harshley over exagerate the number, but its still somewhat true, and its because of the use of more scientifically based techniques.
  12. its not psychological. It is actually very geographical.

    The carribean does not have a developed agriculture like the US, in which almost every farm relies on pesticides, unnatural fertilizers etc, due to the market demand for these "good-quality" crops ( I am talking fruit and veggies ).

    It is no doubt that the carribean way of farming is more healthy - ORGANIC. Organic marijuana is by far THE BEST KIND OF WEED YOU CAN EVER SMOKE. Many people get the wrong impression that organic weed will always grow shitter than chemically grown weed - but that is not true at all.

    The chemicals used to grow most of the weed we consume in America are really unhealthy, for your body and brain. That is why there is this whole "pot is much stronger than the 70s" discussion, and it really is unhealthy in the long-term.

  13. Yes I agree with the op

    A few months ago I was the Dominican republic and me an these guys I met at the resort scored some piff on the beach. It was the most dark weed vie ever seen it was almost black and it really smelled like soil you could tell it was outdoor . At first were like oh this dank probably is weak but once we smoked it we were like OMg this shit is piffff like it gave us this huge body high that just made us so dumb like I never really had that high before where I couldn't think clear and were like wow this is some good sess(indica) I really wish I could get dank like that in canada

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