Card Games?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by 8ight, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Any good/decent card games available on PS3 or PS2 (I don't have any other consoles)?

    I remember playing one of my brothers games, I think yugio? Lame as it sounds, I kinda liked it. Card dueling or whatever you call it? Kinda reminded me a bit of playing a strategy RPG. And the game was actually really trippy (but in a bad production kind of way).

    I saw there's a magic the gathering game(s) for ps3... never played the card game and know nothing about it. But watching videos it seems kinda cool.
  2. Magic the gathering duels of the planeswalkers ps3 is good you have a good bit of selection to choose from for decks but its not very customizable. they have a few different versions out and I'm not sure what ones are supported and whatnot on the ps3 store so make sure you research that because I bought a .99C deck addon and it was for a different version of duels of the planeswalkers which the store does not tell you.

    I didn't get real into it maybe because I play magic and it just doesn't beat sitting around with my friends passing the bowl and playing together.

    Haven't tried any others but there is some card game with the pseye thing that I heard was good.

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