Carbonated Water > Water

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Parallelism, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. So I was reading this article I found on the webbernetz ( The Effect of Carbonated Water on Green Plants ).

    The article explains how these people did an experiment and showed their plant growing at a rate of 63% with tap water and the other plant, given nothing but carbonated water, grew at a rate of 170%.

    Anybody else use carbonated water? How does it work for you?

    I think I'm going to try spraying my plants with carbonated water and feeding fertilizer through distilled water, do a mixture of both.

    What do you guys think?
  2. id like to try it..whats strange is that roots breath oxygen and carbonated water is carbonated with C02, which the roots do not breath so how do the plants benefit?

  3. Plants can get up to 5 times more CO2 then what is introduced in the air. To my understanding the carbonated water gives them more CO2 thus helping growth
  4. Interesting, I wonder what the effect of the PH balance. I use Spring water, so I dont think I'll have a PH Problem, but will try this CO2 water, will switch over today, and report.
  5. Just kinda vague experiment tho
  6. I'm about to try this out,thanks for posting :D
  7. i've heard of spraying with carbonated water...but not watering with it. I'm no expert, but i'm pretty sure that it is all of the foliage that actually makes use of the CO2, not the roots. CO2 is heavier than air, thus watering with carbonated water wouldn't affect the CO2 the plant is able to use. spraying the leaves would distribute the CO2 water evenly in a fine mist, releasing the gas into the air around the plant allowing it to be absorbed.

  8. I think it might promote plant growth in the Res,funky stuff might have a better chance at growing w/ all that Co2.I think Oxygen is more vital for the agua.
  9. i think the point of the experiment was that compared to regular tap water (no ferts), carbonated water made plants grow more because of the trace minerales and minor ferts, i dont think it has anything to do with wether the water was carbonated or oxegenated, its imo, a basic test of tap water vs mineral water, and mineral water has all the basic stuff in it to grow weed, where as tap water has chlorine, flouride...ect....
  10. yeah, changed my mind, Im not going to screw with plants, time is time,:smoke:

  11. Open pouring most of the CO2 of a carbonated drink has diffused, so when you spray it most of the CO2 is gone. Pouring it in the water would help more... Nitrogen would help in the mixture too.
  12. i have seen the spray of corbonated water done and it works but you would think that if it were good for your plants to be watered with it, it would be a sticky. like joe said, its as, if you had no alternative something is better than nothing.
  13. I just did the Sugar/yeast/water thing, waiting for the activity now, getting cloudy inside the bottole,
    I ran a hose str8 to the trunk of the animal, right?
  14. No, as mentioned before, CO2 is heavier than air so you want it above the plants or put the hose in back of a fan that is gently blowing on them.

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