Today was a horror show for me. At my job today ( Im an apprentice plumber) I was basically forced to work in a room that had a space heater in it with barely no ventilation. The thing is the people who insulate the walls needed the temperature of the insulation to stay warm , so they bring a space heater in the room. I asked one of the guys who works with me wtf is the deal with that space heater. He tells me to get used to it. By this time the whole room is just full of carbon monoxide. He then tells me to step outside when I start feeling a headache. I was in this room for about 25 min , with frequents breaks to step outside , before I had forced myself to shutoff the heater. I only had a headache at this point and slightly blurry vision. Bassicaly , am I ok blades? Have I sustained any brain damage from this exposure? I have been aggravated at this and feel the need to quit but I just don't want too. I love plumbing and all , I just don't want to put my health in danger. I shouldnt have to go through this. The mind isn't a thing to waste.
yeah you got a lil brain damage, probly nothin serious but yes something there, mmaybe wear a mask or something idk man that sucks