Carbon filter help

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Parallelism, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So the one thing that is stopping me from being a sucsessful grower is smell. I can't deal with inscense anymore and stapling landury fabric softeners to my exhaust fans in my grow box which are powered by CPU fans.

    My question is I know of 2 kinds of carbon filters.

    There is the carbon filter which you have to have an inline fan blowing through the carbon,

    The other option is I heard these things that you just hang in your grow box and you don't need any air blowing though.

    My question is, I've never installed a carbon filter or an inline fan and I have no clue how to do both.

    I have found a couple DIY but never found a tutorial on how to actually set up your own.

    Can somebody give me a very very detailed explanation now how to install one and what size would be best. Money is not a problem. Any help would be really great.

    Just not sure how to go about building / setting one up...

  2. Great... Now the only problem is installation. How do I install this bad boy?
  3. I just went through the process myself. It isn't all that difficult once you grasp the basic concepts. Before I offer any suggestions, what are you using for lighting? Do you have a cooltube?? If so, are you planning on cooling the light with the same fan you are using for your exhaust?

  4. I'm using a 250w HPS hood with a build in ballast (in the hood). I don't have any ventilation for the hood hooked up. The temp (once I got everything controlled) does not reach temperatures of 80 degrees + so heating is not an issue.

    I'm not using any cooling at all, unless you include 3 exhaust PC fans.
  5. If cooling isn't a requirement than setting up the exhaust should be a breeze. Hang the carbon filter from the top of your grow box and have the fan pull the air through the carbon filter. Attach ducting to the other end of your fan and feed it through your exhaust. Make sure the exhaust is sealed.

    The HTGproduct posted above would work perfectly for you.

  6. there is only one problem with this setup.

    I have my HPS light hanging down and I rise it as my plants get bigger. I'll attach a picture with what I'm talking about.
  7. Another option is to put the carbon filter and fan outside of the box. That is how I have mine set-up due to similar space constraints. You could run ducting from your exhaust to the fan then from the fan to the carbon filter. You could put the fan/filter on your grow box or attach it to a nearby wall/shelf...whatever works for your space.
  8. so here is my setup. I use all 4 corners to hang my HPS light on and as my plants get bigger, I rise it up.

    Attached Files:

  9. see my last post. bring the carbon filter fan outside of the box. you'll have to push the air through the filter instead of pulling which isn't ideal, but it will still work.
  10. okay sweeet. So one more question. Do I still use my 3 exhaust fans or just use that 4 inline duct fan?

  11. 4" fan will be enough.

  12. One more thing

    Attached Files:

  13. You can use straps to support the filter then attach the straps to hooks that are screwed into the roof. A more sturdy alternative is putting it on a shelf if you have one available. thats what i do. the fan willcome with brackets that you can use to secure it.

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