Carbon dioxide and Greenhouse Effect

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by UglyDude420, May 14, 2012.

  1. We are all fucking doomed! This shit will kill us all and theres no way we can stop it cuz everyonest too ignorant! Who here agrees!
  2. I personally believe earth will just shrug it off. Sure, it's a catastrophe for humans and certain species, but life will go on, and just change with the times like it always has.

    I'm moreso worried about the fertilizer corporate farms and factories dump into the ocean.. Plus china. lol.

    Just look at earlier times.. at one point, the air was so thick, modern animals wouldn't have been able to even breathe! And at another, the entire earth was virtually a desert!

    Yet life still goes on!
  3. Maan, this is complex and to anyone in the know (nobody seems to be and I only kinda think I am) knows that the issue of global warming isn't whether it's happening or not, it's whether we should be concerned or not. Skeptics, please shut the fuck up because human caused global warming IS happening. OP, also please shut the fuck up because you're the kind of person who the skeptics point to as justification for being assholes in their beliefs.

    IF humans continue to produce CO2 and other GHGs (green house gases) at an ever increasing rate AND no mitigating strategies/procedures are implemented, THEN the atmospheric concentration of GHG's WILL continue to rise and EVENTUALLY cause a global temperature increase severe enough to melt enough standing ice to raise the sea level enough to where it displaces millions/billions of people, causing a multitude of effects, mostly bad, but many unforeseen.

    To me, that line of logic is absolutely true and therefore suggests we should take action if we wish to avoid the consequences. WHEN those consequences will occur (10 yrs, 50 yrs, 1,000 yrs?) and WHAT exactly they will be are up for debate but the sooner that substantial action is taken, the better because it will only get more difficult the more time that passes to make any difference whatsoever.

    The problem is a snowball effect, and then that snowball will melt in the worst way possible.

    ....yeah that, or China.
  4. #4 Mogwai, May 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2012
    I think it's largely overhyped and that while humans DO contribute, we're not contributing as much as some let on. I think what's happening is natural for the earth and it would be happening even if we didn't exist. However like I said, we add to what nature is doing.

    But I agree with an above poster a lot. it is a very complex issue... and we do need to try to mitigate our possible effects as much as we can. Regardless of how much we actually cause the warming, humanity is in it for the long run so we need to be very thoughtful of what we are putting future generations into.. We gotta keep it in mind with everything, not just when it comes to GHGs.

    But personally I don't think it's a huge problem because as I said I think it's natural. And in the near future I think technological advancements will lead to a "cleaner" way of life, thus helping the future peeps. But just in case that idea is wrong we need to be very careful. Because if were not causing it and we invest in mitigating our effects anyway, humanity doesn't really lose anything. If however we are causing it and we do not mitigate, we will be in a big problem, and we may very likely begin to see some serious consequences in our lifetime.

    ... or maybe it's just China.
  5. China is the worlds most gross and un-green place ever, if the heat stroke doesn't get you then the smog and pollution will. They are some fucked up savages hurting the world for their own profit when they're communist and the government gets like money.

    I don't even want to get started, almost as bad as the savage Japanese fucks back in the Pacific.
  6. #6 Mogwai, May 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2012
    We should totally go to war with China guiz

    They're no worse than any other major country. The US would be just as bad if it weren't for a handful of laws and PR worries. Most businesses don't actually give a fuck about the environment, but say they do for public image.. and that stands true regardless of which country they're in

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