Carbon/Charcoal filters

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by UrbanSpartan, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. When marijuana is legalized, would there be any point in putting a carbon or charcoal
    filter in your grow room or grow tent to lower oder levels?
  2. i guess it depends on if you like the smell or if you live in a apartment and the people that live there dont like the smell
  3. Unless your growing somewhere where your not supposed to or you want to keep your neighbors happy no.
  4. Let me get back to you on that...when MJ is legal. In the meantime, what if my aunt had a beard?
  5. Im not going to use a carbon filter.

    saves me $money$
  6. Depending on the strain. I'm betting your gonna eat crow. Build your own. 30 bucks. Done deal

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