car advice, $2500-3k budget

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by tokinvapes, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. hey there gc, i would liek some car advice, i know there is another thread o nthe first page with the same exact question, but i have some specific things i want out of a car, and i dotn want to hijack his thread.

    here are the thigns i want out of my car.

    1. Good gas mileage. at least 20mpghighway, really prefer like 25mpg i commute 70miles for work.
    2.good sized interior, i like to drive around w/ my buddies, and i love to go snowboardign i nthe winter, so if its a sedan it needs to fit like 4 boards and 4 people comfortably. though i could get a board rack.
    3. AWD/4WD preferred NO RWD.
    4. needs to be reliable.
    5. not looking for a coupe, larger sedan or small suv.
  2. it looks like you might be getting yourself a subaru. To be exact i'd go with a 96-99 legacy outback or sedan. Foresters are pretty awesome also, same with older imprezas but those are smaller.
  3. subaru is what i am leanign towards, my buddy just got an amazing deal on an 03 forrester w/ 43k on it, he paid $5k

    anyone have other sugestions besides the outback legacy?
  4. Look into something Japanese maybe. Subaru's are usually quite overpriced for what you get, although I love them. They also have terrible under-steer issues.
  5. sorry man, but something japenese maybe is a terrible suggestion. i might as well have googled $3000 car
  6. a subaru would probably be your best bet, but you could always get a 325iX sedan for ~$3k if you don't want a japanese car.

    not sure where you're located, so here's an east coast example followed by one for sale on the west coast.

    not affiliated of course.

    here's one for sale in NC - E30 1989 BMW 325ix Rare 4 Wheel Drive Automatic - Bimmerforums - The Ultimate BMW Forum

    here's one that needs a little work in CA - FS: '89 BMW 325iX w/ Supersprint Exhaust - $2500 OBO - Los Angeles Area - Bimmerforums - The Ultimate BMW Forum

    the first one is priced a little high in my opinion, but the second is a good deal. 5 speed iX's are a little more expensive but that's common for most cars. there are better options (more available) for coupes but you stated you wanted a sedan.

    check out this site if you want to know more about iX's - BMW 325iX (All-Wheel-Drive) FAQs
  7. east coast baby.

    i love bimmers, the onyl problem is that they are exopensive to fix. we had a 98 740i m sport package, and we jsut ended up throwing money at it.
  8. e30's are the cheapest bmws to maintain, but iX's are a little harder to find and have several specific parts like the transfer case/oilpan. its a good idea to purchase a parts car if you get an iX, mainly for the iX specific parts. if you can do all preventative (or otherwise) maintenance yourself there's no reason the car would be overly expensive.

    there are quite a few on the east coast that can be had for cheap.
  9. i do know have the capabilities or knowledge to work on a car myself. and the bmm is a small car, i want a larger car.

    i think subaru is gonna be the way to go.
  10. Ummm, Subarus are Japanese. :confused::smoke:

    But yea, it's either Subaru or Audi, and Audi is overpriced and not reliable. Or there's the 92x Saab, which is a Subaru with Saab stuff on it...
  11. i have nothign against japanese cars??

    i was sayign that the kid whose advice was simply "something japanese maybe" is a useless comment. i loved my mazda.
  12. i have nothign against japanese cars??

    i was sayign that the kid whose advice was simply "something japanese maybe" is a useless comment. i loved my mazda.
  13. Sorry, I was just a stoned bastard. What about a Mazda 3 hatchback?
  14. dude, i got $3k, not $10k
  15. haha izuzu trooper awd?

    maybe an xterra lol
  16. Both are small SUVs.
    I'd say go with the Subie, but there is the Audi Allroad (A6 with a more rugged suspension and body panels) or a Volvo V70 that is all wheel drive. In the FWD section you have Jetta or Passat Wagons, Endeavors (To me this is a car)
  17. thanks for all the advice guys, im currently on the hunt for a forrester or legacy.
  18. 90-96 300zx/240sx
    83-87 AE86 Corolloa
  19. honestly you're looking at either a camry (really good on gas, as is any toyota car) and has a decnt size and look that everyons familiar with.

    camrys are long long lasting cars. can go up to 300,000 miles if u takee good care. get like 30 mpg and are cheap to buy used.

    if you could find one, th ebest option would be a Toyota AVALON (avalon was one of the best models of toyota has ever had of its time. its like a camry just a bit bigger and more luxurius with power everything) <-- still has great MPG and long lifespan :D
  20. avalopns are not a $3k car. and doblaze, those nissans are terrible suggestions for my criteria, im not looking for a sporty car.

    im not a fan of toyota's, a few friends of mine have had camry's from the 90's and all of them died around 200k. prolly their faults, yeah, but i am not super good w/ matienece. i mean, i get my oil done on time ,but other than that, i dotn do much.

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