I have a question regarding insectidial soaps and thrips. So I'm growing an auto green crack outdoors and when she started flowering and buds had started getting bigger, I noticed yellowing spots on all of my leaves. Not really sure what it was so I downloaded an app called picture this and it said I had a thrip problem. So I purchased captain jacks insectidial soap and sprayed liberally allover including the buds. I've made two applications about a week apart. The last being maybe 5 minutes before a heavy rain. So my question is, will the buds be safe for use as I will no longer be using it and after a bud wash, or will I be safer just getting rid of the plant as I am not trying to compromise my health. Thanks
in most cases the insecticidal side of the soap is neem oil an organic bug killer that works by blocking up the mouth parts so the critters starve to death I have never heard of thrips attacking buds but theirs always a first next time double check before wreaking your efforts over un correctly diagnosed issues better to post a pic on here neem oil used correctly is the best bug killer and mold remover around, often sold as leaf shiner or as a soap using soap as a surfactant to bond to the plant skin Thrips & Cannabis - How to Identify & Get Rid of It Quickly! good luck
Yeah I've never had this problem before usually it's bud rot. I was seeing a lot of people say don't use neem on buds because it would affect the taste and smell. I just looked at the captain jacks it says it contains a mix of spinosad a and d that's where my concerns were coming from