Capitalism vs. Socialism

Discussion in 'General' started by stenod, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Do you prefer one over the other, and why?
  2. Capitalism. Why do I have to give my hard earned money to free loaders on welfare? And medical care for illegal aliens who don't pay taxxes? etc
  3. Capitalism. I believe the downfall of a capitalist society is those who obtain power, especially those who inherit power without struggling or working to get there. However, without capitalism, our products would be of poor quality, since there would be no competition around to try and "one-up" another company who manufactures a product. Capitalism has so many perks in that those who work hard, always have the potential to get to the top. Business success stories and the like always show the payoff of capitalism. Socialism does not allow for that competitive manufacturing, plus people are just too damn greedy, and objectives are so various that it's a difficult system to work in. If you're working hard for your money, it's a ridiculous concept to take a portion of that money and give it to the people.
  4. each system has flaws hard to choose really
  5. A little of each.
  6. bingo.

    Canada and most of Europe does this rather successfully.
  7. You have to decide: Do you want to support only yourself and leave everyone else to their own devices or do you want to support society and receive mutual benifits. I would prefer to support myself.
  8. I say F#ck capitalism. We have it and it doesn't work. The rich get richer off the backs of the working man. I agree a mix is the best solution.
  9. Like I said earlier, the downfall of the system is when the "rich" you speak of didn't work to get there. Many rich people have worked their asses off to get where they are, and IMO deserve to get rich.
  10. deffinately a mix like said earlier. mainly let capitalism do its thing but not letting it get too out of control and leaning towards richer or poorer.
  11. How does it not work?
  12. The most important aspect of capitalism which makes it preside over other forms of economic government is that it promotes competition, which results in quality. As we've seen in the USSR and PRC, socialism makes for mediocre output since there is no incentive to work any harder. With capitalism, the best come out on top, and that is what we need.
  13. And the US along with every other first-world country on the planet. Even Russia and China have caught on.

    The 'isms' are dead... we live in the gray.
  14. Socialism is a dangerous road, ending in communism.
    I support capitalism because no matter where you start out in life, everyone has a chance to succeed. Yes its easier if daddy is a govenor or something like that but how is that not true of socialism. Plus competition=quality

    "Capitalism. Why do I have to give my hard earned money to free loaders on welfare? And medical care for illegal aliens who don't pay taxxes? etc"

    not like we dont end up doing that anyway though...
  15. And the U.S.
  16. I am a laissez-faire capitalist.

    You must understand, the USA operates under a corporatist policy. Which is known to be "socialism for the rich".

    And Canada is not all great. The government sells the alcohol, taxes are ridiculous (10 bucks for smokes), and their health care isn't as good as some people would have you believe.
  17. Canada loves to boast about their free healthcare, but I would much rather pay some 15 dollar co-pay than have to give a considerably larger amount of paycheck away to taxes.
  18. I've the definitive answer to why the US form of capitalism doesn't work, anyone watch american idol last can schools in the coal mining areas are not able to afford adequate supplies to teach children? Only an uneducated person would ever go down into a coal mine to make money. Are these ppl lazy and unwilling to work, No! they are some of the hardest working ppl in the US. Now if you think I'm ranting, I am, it pisses me off to no end to see this shit going on. A super power with third world living conditions isn't right.
  19. First off, you're getting your information from AMERICAN IDOL. Secondly, yes there are poorer less developed parts of the U.S. but those are still nowhere near third world living conditions. America has one of the highest standards of living in the world if not the highest.
  20. As a carpenter, I can tell you that Canada has a fantastic health care system.

    If I lived in the states, I'd probably have to carry around a suture kit like many do.

    Waiting lists are almost identical between the US and Canada (last I checked), but it's about principles:

    I'm glad that my country has a health system that will treat you, irregardless of your social class or financial standing. You're entitled to health care as a citizen of this country. That is something that makes me swell with pride.

    And fuck it; I think smokes should costs $20 a pack. Tobacco is a big weight on federal health care.

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