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Cant wait for Spring/Summer?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bukowski6425, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Just smoked a bowl out of my bubbler :wave:

    I can't wait for Spring/Summer. My region seems packed with Headies:smoke: And I cant wait for some nice good Nature walks. Hopefully even some camping.
  2. Forsure. I done with the cold and snow, theres nothing better than going out in shorts and a t at 1 or 2am and blazing in the woods.

  3. Werd.
  4. You said it brother. Nebraska winters have a way of draggin a person down.

    Along with nature walks, I'm ready to go frolfin', bike riding, and skating. That, and a trip to Seatle hopefully.
  5. yes fuck this shitty nyc weather. Going back to hawaii during summer
  6. Love Rhode Island in the summer time. Fuck spring I want the beach in the summer time.

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