can't wait for college man

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by figarofigaro, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    My parents don't think I'm taking it seriously... but I honestly can't wait :cool:
  2. Word dude. I'm moving in on the 17th. Gonna have my new launchbox and a gram or 2 to start me out. Classes this semester should be pretty easy, and my schedule ends at 3 most days and 4 the rest. Starts at 10 or later 3 days out of the week. Perfect schedule to get a job with!
  3. Tell me about it man! It's just a matter of weeks until I move in. Haha :D
  4. Shit I wish I was going away though... But community college won't be too bad I guess!
  5. art college is wopper! enjoy college dude
  6. Should be "Can't wait for college, man".
    Just sayin', things can get taken the wrong way.

    Have fun on your journey though.
  7. [quote name='"figarofigaro"']Shit I wish I was going away though... But community college won't be too bad I guess![/quote]

    You'll save a shit ton money considering you're not going to a university. Went through a lot of hell with financial aid. Haha
  8. Yeah I'm ready for it to. My term starts the 23rd. Ready to meet some new people and fuck some college bitches.

    I'm still living at home but who cares I won't be $50,000 in debt (and that was just 4 years Room & Board to the college I was gonna go to.. not covering any other expenses and the fact that interest builds on your debt so it's increased because of that as well).

    So when I do move out, I'll have tons of money for nug :smoke:
  9. I hear ya , I start community college in a month , saving loads of cash and still living at home ! No shame.
  10. I'm about to start as well...and I'm pretty excited, but i cant say I'm looking forward to Calculus...or physics.

    However i will be buying a celebratory new piece...gotta start shit right :smoke:
  11. ^ Already did that lol, got myself a 'Graduation present' in the form of a giant Zong.
  12. College sucks.
  13. I wish my family had more money.

    I was doing internet school and my dad stopped paying the DSL bill because he couldn't afford it...

    I should have gradutaed in 09...
  14. For sure! I'm going to have a good time. I hope my roommate isn't a fuck! I've got some plants that will be already to go in October so weed is cut from my budget for at least half a year.

    Boiler up!

  15. Wish I had even been able to grow, can't wait to have my own personal stash. But move in takes place in 8 days, :hello:. Got a full ride to a state school in Miami, FIU, so all my finaid/scholarships go to my pockets, which equate to :smoke: Thinking about taking a pan of brownies up for the first few weeks, while I make new connections.
  16. congrats broski.

    college...i would say something inspirational but fuck it, youll be there soon enough.

  17. i got accepted to FIU last year... wanted to go to FL for college, but idk how my fin aid was, so i just decided to g to a state school in my home town (NJ).
  18. I too enjoy college men.
  19. You're doing it wrong.

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