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Can't stop swallowing (no homo)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jaytes, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. So the past couple times I've smoked I've noticed that I swallow, like a noob, when the smoke is in my mouth almost unconsciously. I really don't know why but I'm thinking I might be taking too big of a hit (possible?) and I just cant hold it in so I start to swallow.

    I've also noticed that it happens a lot more when I smoke from a bowl compared to a nicely rolled blunt so I think thats where I'm getting the too big of a hit theory.

    Any suggestions or tips?
  2. theres no such thing as too big of a hit
  3. Only tools say "no homo", just so you know.
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  4. You can't hold it in so you start to swallow? So are you holding it in your mouth? Get that shit in your lungs son and you shouldn't even have the reflex to swallow any. Suck the smoke into your mouth and immediately take a deep sharp breath like you practiced in gym class.
  5. No offence, but I don't understand why people have such hard times smoking. I know that isn't the OPs exact question but you've got this big post all in the attempt to chief.

    Hit pipe by either drawing smoke in with your cheecks, and then taking a nice deep breath pushing the smoke into your lungs


    when hitting draw smoke directly from lungs, not by cheecks.

  6. take smaller hits and l2 use the carb?... [​IMG]
  7. my girlfriend has the same problem... although i dont think its a problem
  8. I never had this problem, and i never even knew it existed.
  9. i do that sometimes when i take hits and walk into another room to exhale or when im just trying to hold the hit in for a longer than normal amount of time. i catch myself doing it without even thinking about it. i think its just bc doing so naturally closes up your air passage so nothing can come out even though it opens again in one sec.
  10. so do you burp up smoke?
  11. Never has happened to me. Just imagine you are inhaling regular air when hitting the pipe. You are probly just putting the smoke in ur mouth then ur body just swallows.

    Try inhaling like you are taking a breath and then remove your mouth from the piece, joint, pipe, whatever. Inhale regular air and then you can swallow because now all the smoke is in your lungs. I will take a drink alot before i exhale the smoke.
  12. with all do respect no homo= i suck cock
  13. only homos still say no homo
  14. I think I might be trying to hold the smoke in too long and for some reason my body wants to try and swalow it.

    And I do burp smoke every once in a while.
  15. :confused: ummm...wouldn't this be solved by inhaling the smoke instead of chewing it? Draw it directly into your lungs.
  16. Same here.

    The tittle is so gay man, ahahahhahaha, You couldn't think of something else? OR IT WAS ON PURPOSE?

  17. I did it on purpose knewing it would draw people in and post, whether it be usless comments or people actually trying to help.
  18. It's to stop you coughing IMO. If I take a HUGE bong hit sometimes I swallow once or twice to stop me coughing it all out straight away. Also I usually get a burst of saliva too :D I like it, it's nice, 'cos you know you just got a massive hit. Plus I like to hold a hit in for about a second, this enables me to do so. This is with monster hits though.. Nothing to worry about. :smoke:
  19. LOL.

    I was thinking "damn thats homo" when I read the title, since only half the title was shown on the main page.
  20. You are not alone, i have this (problem?) too, its not a problem to me, its just when i take HUGE hits, its either swallow to keep the smoke in your body, and if i choose not to swallow, it means i cough the shit out of myself

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