Can't Seem to Put on Weight

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Taylored, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. For the longest time, I have been around 150 - 155, and I can seem to get over this. I eat 4 average size meals a day, while drinking a lot of water, and exercising. I know I have a fast metabolism, but what are some ways to put on weight?
  2. Eat more and don't exercise. Problem solved.
  3. Eat this. [​IMG] AND I DON'T MEAN THE CHILD.

  4. And then eat some more.
  5. What are you eating? How are you exercising?
  6. drink a high calorie and protein shake before bed

    that always worked for me, and eat a bunch of calories/protein after you work out
  7. You have to slow down your metabolism or it's just going to burn more and more calories. Digesting food consumes more calories than other other bodily function.

    Also people with faster metabolisms have a short life expectancy because it drains so much energy from the body.

    People telling you to eat more and more have no idea what they are talking about; i.e. they don't know the science behind what they are suggesting you to do. But I'm not going to tell you who to listen to.
  8. Keep eating the same but turn your exercise sessions into weight lifting in the gym focusing on compound movements.

    Also drink a gallon of whole milk everyday for a month. I guarantee you will gain weight
  9. #11 sirbrandon101, Nov 28, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2011
    If he's not gaining weight that means his calories in < calories out. I didn't need a bunch of certifications to figure that out.

  10. Someone should ban this guy for trolling everythread.. Impossible to 'adjust' metabolism Where it would make any difference at all.. He's a hard gainer and will have to work with what he's got

    100% garauntee your only eating 2500-3200, eat 4k minumum for 1-2 weeks, if no weight gain add calories, if 1-2 lb gain keep going
  11. Get high every day and eat a fuck-load for every meal. Worked for me.

    Of course I was going to the gym every two days over the summer while this was occurring
  12. [quote name='"Canada x 420"']Keep eating the same but turn your exercise sessions into weight lifting in the gym focusing on compound movements.

    Also drink a gallon of whole milk everyday for a month. I guarantee you will gain weight[/quote]

  13. lift biggg im talking 8-10 reps and you feel like your arms will fall off... this will train your muscles to break its fibers and grow bigger/stronger

    theres no pt in lifting if youre gonna lift pussy weights
  14. meals are good but try mixing in a calorie shake. cytogainer by cytosport is a good way to pack in some quality calories
  15. Thanks for the help guys. I am going to try to eat more.
    As for exercise, when I go to the gym I will do
    - 30 Minutes of cardio
    - 3 sets 10 reps for abs
    - 5 sets 5 reps maxed out preacher curls
    - 3 sets 15 reps leg pressses
    - 3 sets 10 reps shoulder presses
    - 3 sets 10 reps of tricep exercises
    - 5 sets 5 reps maxed out on bench

    Any sight on this and can anyone point me in the way of good supplements?
  16. dont forget the squats, a key core exercise

    dont do the same thing every time, you gotta change it up, keep your muscles confused and guessing at all times
  17. I got the same problem OP, except I weight way less than you. Before my membership at the Gym ended, I mostly worked for an 1 hr lifting weights, using different machines also high calorie protein shakes also help mix with ice cream, peanut butter, whip cream, fruits to add some flavor. Being skinny sucks ass, wish I had a slow metabolism.
  18. had the same problem went from 138 to 168 in about a year and half

    I started drinking a high protien slow digesting shake before bed. Its called Casein. It digests really slowly to give your muscles protien all through the night... You have to be working out to put on muscle though.. You will just get fat if you drink this and not work out.

    eat a shit ton, then some more

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