cant pee when high

Discussion in 'General' started by pianowski69, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. alright so whenever im high, and i need to pee, i cant. i just stand there in front of the toilet just like "JUST COME THE FUCK OUT!!" and it takes a looong time. and then when it finally does come out, its really slow. I feel like jerry stiller in, i think its zoolander. when hes standing there and he goes "just a little pee-pee." anyone else have this problem?
  2. when im rolling yeah, not when im blazed though
  3. I think it's more likely that you don't really have to go, and so you're forcing your kidneys to empty when they aren't full.

    Are you getting a significant body high from your weed?
  4. Yeah for whatever reason you probably just think you have to pee, like how it makes you think you need to eat.
  5. drink alcohol while you smoke weed

    the aftertaste of rum makes me salivate so it's like no more dry-mouth.

    also one time i was kflipping and couldnt pee so i imagined this hot chick's face in the urinal and it worked lol i was like omg Rkelly
  6. Only have had that problem on tramadol.
    Dude but it sucks.
  7. That sounds a bit weird to me, maybe you should see a doctor.
  8. some people just have a weak stream dude thats normal

  9. But when he cant pee at all? And only when hes blazed?? Sounds weird:confused:
  10. This happens to me also, so your not alone. Its like you have to pee so bad but you forgot how too. Sucks

    Edit: and were both from michigan? Now this is creepy :smoke: sorry im high
  11. No one has caught the Jerry Stiller mistake? i figured someone would mention it!
  12. Ben Stiller?
  13. What mistake? Jerry Stiller is in that movie.

    Ben and Jerry Stiller \/ \/

  14. Yeah I think thats exactly what it is. Like the bladder munchies...?:confused:
    I dont regularly have a weak stream. Only when im high.
    OH NO!! maybe the shit down here is tanted!:eek:
    What mistake??
  15. i can't pee when i'm rolling or on acid. but high i'm straight. but i'm high all the time, so if i couldn't pee that would be a problem.
  16. maybe youre just paranoid or trying too hard or something, idk, like when you try to pee in public or you're rushed, sometimes it takes a while to come out even if you really have to go.

  17. Woah dude. Its like you read mind or something. that was like a break through in therapy. thank you for that.

  18. lol no problem dude. what can i say? im well versed in the art of pissing

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