I was watching the news last night and they were talking about prop 19 and they had some guy that was for it and some lady who was against it and she was saying that if prop 19 passes people that use it for medication won't be allowed to grow? Is that true that if prop 19 passes I won't be able to grow my own?
Prop 19 "Allows people 21 years old or older to possess, cultivate, or transport marijuana for personal use." I doubt that person knew what they were talking about.
Which is much more than enough for your personal use. Grow it indoors and you won't have to worry about if you're in season or not.
She's definitely full of shit. There is nothing in Prop 19 that supercedes or reduces medical marijuana rights - including growing as much as you are allowed to grow now. You are allowed to grow X number of plants (usually 12 to 99) now and same if Prop 19 passes and you're not limited to the 25 sf that others would be allowed.
It' actually 25 sq. feet, doesn't have to be 5x5. I plan on doing a pretty big outdoor next year if this passes, 25x1, monster plants...yes on 19!
Just a thought (and I'm soooo jealous that I don't live in CA), but if its 25 square feet, can you built like a 3 story high grow room on a 5x5 pad? ...just sayin'
Well that would equal 75 sq feet, assuming each floor is 5x5, so no. But honestly, who and how will they regulate people's backyard grows? They really have no way to check every person's measurements.
Point taken, what about a tall aeroponics system with super soaker jets firing 10 feet in the air? Hah, not really trying to argue any point here - a bit bored and my mind is wandering
If they measured height it would be feet cubed, not square feet. You can go as tall as you want aslong as you stay within your 25 square feet.
One thing I have noticed in Prop 19 is that the 25 sq ft limit on growing doesn't say if the 25 sq ft allowed for growing is determind by canopy area or not.
I'm thinking it has be measured by the footprint, not canopy. measuring canopy doesn't really make sense, since it moves around. And if the cops were checking you out, you could just tie together all the plants and make a tiny canopy.