Is it me or is germinating the hardest part of this entire process. Making this tiny little thing get just enough water and warmth to bust through and grow like mad. I've gone through 2 viable seeds now and just don't know why I keep fucking up. I have 2 about to go into flowering that I germed from bagseed. I also have another Big Bud that is sprouted and just starting to veg. I am inquiring because I think I just fucked up again because I didn't realize how hot my modem gets and by the time I got back home the seed looked really plump. I am scared I accidentally cooked it but it could just be all water absorption. The paper towel wasn't really hot, just slightly warm, when I opened it up. It hasn't broken the case yet which is why I'm worried. This is my method: Soak in clean water overnight in a covered shotglass on top of modem to keep the water fairly warm. Then transfer to paper towel method I am putting the one I think I fried back underwater until the taproot emerges. Responses?
I dont use the glass of water first trick. all I do, is take a small, tin, seal able container, ONE sheet of paper towel with 4-6 sprays from a spritzing bottle, place your seeds folded up in the moist paper towel, seal it up, and put it underneath a table lamp (or other warm source). if you can shine the light on the container so it stays a steady 80ish (infrared thermometer from radioshack helps), those things will be busting in two days. works for me anyways.
I used the covered shot glass method the whole way through. I didn't transfer mine to paper towels and it worked like a charm took about a day and half for both to germ. One of them sprouted 2 days after I planted it, and the other one hasn't yet.
I made this same post in what is now my grow journal. Be patient I bet that sucker will crack. BTW, I did the first seed in water then paper towel method and it took about 3 or so days. MY second seed I did straight paper towel and put it in my grow box with the lights on to keep it warm and that took only 1 and a half days.
Meh, germination is the one thing I get right, its afterwords where I have issues! I started off damp paper towel, but have since moved to putting seed in water until it sinks then into soil. 100% rate this far.