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Can't Find weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pvmpale, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. I live in North East PA and i just cant find any weed i haven't smoked since December and i really want to smoke my dealer was my cousin but he stopped selling and every time i ask him if he knows anyone he tells me no. I don't really have any friends that smoke. I'm thinking about just walking around my town later today and asking people but im kinda nervous and a bit anti social and i don't know what to say exactly. There's a rapper coming to my town today so i was thinking of asking around outside the concert and seeing if anyone has anything. I also know a lot of people smoke in my area i just don't know where there buying from and i don't wanna go to the hood to buy it and risk getting robbed or ripped off.
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  2. Have you tried Craigslist? type in kush or weed and see what pops up. If that doesnt work yes ask around, chillout at a bus stop or in front of liquor store or rap concert as you suggested and just ask a few people if hey look like they smoke.
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  3. Erie is north west im in the poconos
  4. I tried looking on craigslist and can't really find anything in my area i typed weed,420,kush and there all in New jersey and i don't have a car my only transportation is walking also with my luck its an undercover selling on craigslist
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  5. #6 bigggsmokey420, Apr 15, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
    cops wouldnt waste their time setting you up to catch you buy an 1/8 of weed they sold you. Btw most people u contact on CL are willing to deliver as long as youre not to far.
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  6. Well i went to that rap concert and someone was smoking right next to me and i asked if i could hit the blunt and he passed me and i took like 6 hits so im pretty high right now i still need to find a dealer though
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  7. Should have asked the dude for a hookup . If he would share the blunt he would hook you up.
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  8. Yeah i really should have i regret not doing it i just got really high and in the moment i wasn't thinking
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  9. Buying seeds online is always an option.Pretty sure weed seeds aren't illegal.
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  10. Or you could wait 5 days (which would suck) til 420 and go to one of the festivals nearby,you'd defitnetly find a lot of herb there.
  11. I would stay away from Craigslist because usually weed sells itself so if they are going through that it's either for some quick "easy" money by robbing or some other bs
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  12. Yeah thats what i was thinking about craigslist and i live with my parents so growing isn't really an option But on 4/20 im gonna go out and try to find some weed
  13. Just be careful and if something /someone seems sketch they usually are. Good luck! :love-m3j:
  14. Can't find weed? Check your couch cushions. Works for me sometimes.
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  15. Check out the Whisper app.I've found 5 different hook ups using it.
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  16. So i been really busy and didn't have the time to go out and try to find a dealer on 4/20 sadly i might try to go out again later today and try to find a dealer. I think this one street ive been avoiding (2nd st) which i know for a fact has dealers i might just have to go on to try to find some bud. I am just worried about being robbed or people just finding it odd me coming up to them asking for some weed. (also gonna try the whsiper app)
  17. GOOD NEWS i found a dealer today at my mall. I was getting a haircut at the barbersop in my mall and was going out to my car and i smelled some weed and these 2 people happened to literally be smoking a joint right behind my car so i went up to them and i bought a gram and i got the guys number
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  18. An update: so i tried to buy some weed from the guy i met at the mall but the number he gave me is disconnected i tried calling and texting it and it doesn't work i even tried switching around some of the numbers thinking maybe i wrote them down wrong or he gave me them in the wrong order and sadly i can't get in touch with him so i guess back to square one going to have to roam the streets to look for weed again.
  19. Do you have any friends that you smoke with? And have you tried asking them? Or you could always visit/move to one of the legal states.
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