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cant find a dealer here

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by captaingael, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. I'm in north jersey and my connection went south. I used to get some great stuff from my buddy but long story short, he got screwed and won't sell anymore (still blazes like a chimney though). For months I haven't been able to find any sort of dealer. I've lived here my whole life and I go to the county college nearby so as soon as all my friends went off to college, every connection I had was gone. None of the friends I have at school smoke so they're useless when it comes to bud (I'm a civil engineering major so none of the other people in my classes are big tokers lol). Basically just looking for a way to find a solid, reliable connection. All help appreciated haha

  2. grow your own :D
  3. as much as id love to haha i live with my parents so not really an option 
  4. rap and metal shows, skate parks, strip clubs, laundry mat, parks, ect...stoners all over
  5. Walter Rand Transportation Center ;) :rolleyes:
  6. Just because your friends don't smoke, don't discount them. I've found all my dealers down here through people that don't smoke. There's always someone who knows a guy. I suggest to ask around and be paitent.
  7. i guess one of the issues is i dont fit into the stoner stereotype so people tend to avoid anything with bud when around me
  8. get a bob marley shirt and some jeans
  9. check your local homeless shelter, many bums smoke pot or know someone in the game.
  10. probably would work too but don't depend on getting a good deal
  11. If your buddy still blazes, he has a source. Ask him. Don't fish here in the city or you will get hammered. :smoke:
  12. Go to the bar and talk to people or where live music is played
  13. Already asked my buddy about his dealer and that didn't work out and I'm only 19 so bars aren't really an option. Plus no local music venues really
    College. Go out and socialise a bit in your college, meet some new people and you'll find stoners in no time. In my experience every college has at least one of those cliché 70's stoner stereotype groups in one iteration or another hanging around the same spots on campus, find them and you've found weed.
  15. I'm still looking around my college. I had a great guy in NYC, but he wanted more customers and won't drive just for gas money anymore. So I'm stuck in the same boat brother. Where in jersey?

    It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn.
  16. Morris county
  17. Morris County
  18. Well your fucked cuz no ones going to sell you stuff on a website. You need to keep and eye out for stoners, i was at my local gas station, saw 2 pretty decent dudes having car troubles... Had a can of ether and sprayed some on their air filter fired up their car, we bullshitted and then they said you wanna buy some BC bud and i was actually looking for some weed. Bought a half o for cheap and needless to say weed is all over. I have a couple connects, how I met the one.... I was like 15 riding my bike down a road surrounded in forest, there is a pull off spot that leads on to the power line and me and all my stoner buddies hung out there. I saw 5 dudes playing hacky sack, I screamed smoked crack at the top of my lungs, they scream "yeaaaahh!!!" Back. I turned around and rode my bike back to the power lines and first thing I said was where's the weed and they are all like " waiting on it dude" I said well weres a pipe, so packed up 2-3 pipes to get us all torched. All these dudes are like 23-25. I had some money, thier dealer showed up and I ased to buy some, he hooked me up, we exchanged cell numbers and that was that. Don't be afraid to introduce your self, go to a party and wait for a group of people to walk off from the party and chances are they are burning one. Fuck dude, local bars people go around back and smoke 1.
  19. #19 Sorion, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    I'm over in Bergen County and I'm at a loss where to buy. I won't be going into the city at all this weekend and even then I just moved to the area

    There's nothing but old people around here ugh

    Hoping someone had any connections in this thread

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  20. Find a college campus or bar nearby... Ask your waitress/bartender

    Get high, rule the world

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