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cant eat junk food anymore?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nacher7g, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. #1 nacher7g, Nov 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
    the other night i was really baked eating a snickers bar and it tasted really really sweet and i just kept thinking about how theyre so fake and made in factories in molds and as i was thinking this the snickers bar starting tasting like corporate greed and gluttony, a fattening, disgusting piece of synthetic trash. i spit it out immediately.

    when im high i can only eat natural food. it deosnt have to be healthy per say, it just has to be not packaged/ grown in a lab and sprayed with pesticides. ie local meat, veggies, goat milk etc.

    the natural food tastes like love and happiness to me and the branded "food" (chips, soda, candy bars) makes me want to vomit.

    has this happened to anyone?

    btw im not complaining, i LOVE it.

    Sent from my asshole using Grasscity Forum
  2. #2 Acid Man, Nov 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
    yeah man ,have that exact same feeling ,maybe not as strong as you but i just feel so sick and unsatisfied when i eat junk food ,the more natural something is the more clean and pure it makes me feel
    I guess its the weed?
  3. I do the same thing. It sounds cliche but it's almost as though weed "opens my eyes" to the corruption and greed in the world. I still like junk food when I'm high, but I'll make my own. Usually just hashbrowns with ungodly amounts of cheese..

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  4. i dont know man, im petty sure they dont spray down snickers with pesticides 
  5. consider yourself lucky, a body void of junk will give u a life of prosperity. When im high i do like food non man made/natural.
  6. I bet if I blind folded you and gave you 2 steaks you couldn't tell the fattened grain fed from the grass fed
  7. Sounds like you got really paranoid lol. But, hey it's probably healthier for ya.

    It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn.
  8. #8 ReturnFire333, Nov 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
    Snickers aren't even the worst things... read some ingredients lists.
  9. maybe my taste buds wouldnt but my stomach would

    Sent from my asshole using Grasscity Forum
  10. promise I could. Grass fed tastes significantly better
  11. #11 ClovisMcLovis, Nov 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2014
    I'm the same way and since I'm always medicated I always eat good food. I haven't had fast food in 8 years, went pescetarian (only eat fish meat) 6 years ago, avoid GMOs, and i distill water to avoid drinking fluoride. People complain to me that it's too expensive or difficult to eat healthy but when their shitty diets catch up with them they'll spend way more of their time and money on healthcare than I ever will on maintaining a quality diet.

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
  12. freedom to the people maaaaannn far out
  13. Same thing happened to me with a chips ahoy cookie

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  14. I might not be able to tell the difference but I still only eat grass fed/organic/humane meat because I hate to think about what those animals go through in factory farms and if something's gonna die to feed me I believe it should have at least been treated decent in its time on this earth
  15. I'm not sure the cows really care. They are killed pretty quickly, killing a cow slow results or lower quality meat.
    I can defiantly tell a difference between grass fed and grain fed though 
  16. I love eating healthy shit when I am stoned man; I can agree with you on part of what you said. But how I try to be in life though, is balanced, and so goes on with food.

    Junk food is bad for you...but I still like the taste knowing that. There is the aspect of greedy corporations; but what corporation does not want to make a profit? This is the basis of our entire system. You can eat some junk food sometimes, to enjoy yourself. And at the same time, it is possible to know what good food is! Amazing is it not.

    Balance shit with non shit; best of both worlds :smoke:

    oh and I think how much we eat is more important at times haha
  17. I meant their life before they're killed. In a factory farm they're all in a warehouse with no room to move often times standing in their own waste. I like to buy meat from a local humane farm that lets them roam in a pasture. It's more expensive but I feel less guilty
  18. I can't eatm hips ahoy anymore, you tricked me into it oh my god my moth is too dry it's like shit
  19. Mmmhmm... synthetic trash is my favorite
  20. I have no problem with synthetic food,but when im too lazy to go to the shop,or im in the mood for something homemade,i make homemade potato chips. Its Easy,and tasty,but still in the junk food caregory.
    Just get 4 medium potatoes, peel them, and slice them paper-thin.
    Place the potato slices into a large bowl of cold water as you slice. Drain, and rinse, then refill the bowl with water, and add three tablespoon salt. Let the potatoes soak in the salty water for at least 30 minutes. Drain, then rinse and drain again.
    Then put oil in a big pot,let it boil,then deep fry the potatoe slices ,just a handfull at a time,until its golden
    Add additional salt,spice,chilli whatever you want.
    You get the potatoes from a natural farmer,and its not made in a corporate factory.
    You can make dips naturaly too,to make it even better. And you can munch away on homemade junkfood.

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