Ive always been the one to think tattoos were retarded and that i would never get one. But i've been thinking about the word hope, and been carrying a rock i found with HOPE carved on it everywhere I go and it really pretains to my life right now... So I looked up a symbol for hope and there were like two different ones, one was two symbols the other was one.. so i decided to photoshop and see what it would look pretty much like.. and i think i like it, but i dont really know and Im not sure if i should go through with it or anything like that..
1. It would look fine, cuz anything would look fine on that chest. 2. Japanese tattoos always look stupid. 3. Finding a symbol that means Hope personally to you There's your information, make your decision. ((Also: Alternate idea, just get a necklace with the symbol on it and wear it 24/7))
Japanese/Chinese tattoos are waaaay overused. It's ridiculous. Get something that's unique to YOU. How many other people do you think have "hope" tattooed somewhere on their body? A LOT.
Asian characters are really overdone. I'd just get the word in English, or if you want it to be something more personal tattoo a symbol representing hope to you onto wherever.
Idk dude... I think a little too many people get oriental words for tattoos Edit: It might be a good idea to get a symbol that means hope to you
How about going to a pharmacy supply, getting a viscot surgical marker [it doesn't wash off with water, you use alcohol to wash it off] and drawing the tat in place and walking around with it for a week or so to see if you still like it?
lets see 9 posts saying chinese symbols over used.. 6 probably saying get a symbol that means that to you.. maybe 3 or 4 saying to get the word hope... idk, i dont want a word on my body like that. i want a symbol like that.. yes maybe it is sorta overused.. but thats because it looks cool/good, and words dont look as good as symbols and I dont have any type of symbols to mean that mean hope.. atleast i dont think.....which is why i chose somethign that actually MEANs hope, so I always HAVE hope with me. so if i got something that means hope to me, its not basically the same thing...but i appreciate feedback
Draw it yourself or go to a tattoo shop and find an artist who you can connect with, If your no good at art have him design it for you, dont get a chinese symbol man. A tattoo is about self expression, something that expresses YOU. you dont want some douchebag showing up with the same tattoo as you do you? If you really want "Hope" tattood on your chest, get a designer to do it or draw it yourself and get it done. There shouldn't be any problem with it on your chest, if your worried about jobs or shit like that you'll have a shirt on for 98% of your life and i doubt theres a job that REQUIRES you to have your shirt off. Personalize it bro, make it something thats just for YOU
I agree. If you're getting a tattoo just to look cool then you're ridiculous. I hate when I see people walking around with tribals, chinese, dragons, skulls, naked women tatooed somewhere on their body and it doesn't mean shit. Its like...wow that's a cool design, too bad it's going to look like shit in 15-20 years.
I didnt mean I wanted it to just LOOK COOL. I want something that looks good, while still meaning something to me... If loved like lets say Pepsi and always wanted a pepsi with me I wouldnt get a bottle of pepsi on me, that would like retarded. I would want the symbol of pepsi, that looks good to myself and others as well as has meaning to it. Im not getting it in any means because "tattoos are cool and look cool" I want it cause I want to have Hope on me at all times.. and i like the look of the symbol, and it means hopes. You guys got the wrong idea of what i meant by that
dude dont do it. only get a tattoo if it means something to you. ive been wanting to get one but i dont know what i want. i want to sort of draw at least some of it myself, and i want to sort of illistrate how i have came through the struggles in my life, but now in a actual visual sense, but more of a an emotional sense.. if anyone understands
Its not that it doesn't mean anything to you, its just really generic. Hope. Love. Peace. Pride. Etc... All those words are already over saturated when it comes to tattoos