Can't believe some drivers

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by married2mj, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. So I'm about 200 feet from my driveway when I see a car like 4 feet pulled out of their driveway headfirst so I go to adjust a little to the left to avoid him (no big deal). But as I get closer, he keeps pulling out more and more, so I honk at him and suddenly jerk to the left to barely avoid him. As i'm honking, he honks back for some reason?

    So I'm past this guy and I guess he's behind me (remember I'm right near my house). So I put on my left signal and go to turn into my driveway when all of a sudden, I see this 17-18 year old high school kid illegally whizzing by me in the left lane, giving me the finger in both hands.

    I just had an intuition he was gonna try and pass me, otherwise I would've turned and I probably would've died.

    This street is very narrow, and even narrower because theres about 2 feet of snow and ice on each side.

    This was soooooooooooo dangerous, I'm lucky I didn't get in an accident twice, or died.

    I just think this kid is the biggest punk I've ever encountered in my entire life based on what he did. I know which house he lives in, if indeed he is the son of the owners.

    So what would you do? I'm thinking about going over there and explaining to the parents about what happened hoping they care.

    I've thought that I should just let this kid keep doing what he's doing because eventually karma will get him and he'll get seriously injured in an accident (is that wrong?), but I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

    So what should I do GC?

    fucking punk ass teenagers...
  2. You know what to do already;

    I'm thinking about going over there and explaining to the parents about what happened hoping they care.

    /Thread It is necessary. :smoke:
  3. I'm probably not allowed to say what I would do.
  4. I think my key would have mysteriously found the side of his car the next day. :cool:

    Naw, but seriously, go talk to his parents. They are probably the ones paying the insurance and whatnot on the car, so they should know that their son is a reckless driver. Once they know the problem, they can deal with it themselves. I know I'm only 20, but that kid needs to learn how to be a responsible driver. I would expect someone to do the same for me if I was as reckless. It's that simple.
  5. I would inform his parents.. me personally being a young adult I would have followed him back to his house and physically confronted him... Nothing but a good shake up and some quality threats.
  6. I have a feeling you weren't completely innocent in this ordeal. You talk to his parents he'll get you back. It might not be tomorrow but he' do it. Just drop it, I'm sure you've done worse.
  7. Right...because driving illegally on the other lane, just to pass someone and flick them off isn't bad enough. Maybe if the kid didn't do that, he could just drop it. OP, if i were in your situation I would definately talk to his parents. Just because this kid has no patience doesnt give him the right to drive reckless. Who knows, if you didn't see him on your left, it could of been a serious accident.
  8. #8 married2mj, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Ughhhh....I was

    he was pissed because i honked my horn at him even though it was completely warranted.

    I did it for my safety.

    Then he passed me because I was slowing down (thought I was "messing" with him), probably disregarding the fact I had my signal on...

    It's just some pathetic teenager with a big ego. Sadly, many kids in this town are like this.

    stfu. I'm an adult, I won't even go alone. i'm not letting this one get away. I could've easily died/been paralyzed.

    and no ive always been a good kid i havent ever done anything remotely close to this bad, wtf, why does everyone assume EVERY kid is a trouble maker. Aside from smoking weed I've been a model citizen pretty much my whole life.

    give me a break.

    if he does anything to me, id be glad to get the WPD involved :wave:
  9. You answered your own question. Go talk to his parents and tell them how reckless he is. And update when you're done talking to them. Also just say you live in the neighborhood, don't show em where you live. Although the kid seen what driveway you turned into.
  10. don't tell them he flicked you off and stuff that'll just get him pissed off and who knows what he'll do. just say he was driving recklessly and you are concered for others safety as well as your own and his.
  11. I'd confront the parent and tell them exactly what happened. That was VERY ignorant and un-called for. There is absolutely no need of anyone driving like an idiot, that is needlessly endangering everyone in his vicinity. If the punk does anything else to mess with you after you confront his parents, whoop his ass.

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