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Cannibis treating Dementia?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by leodicapario, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. heyyooo! got some bad news ! my granny is showing signs of dementia.. my question to you is it a good way to treat, (or sooth) dementia in older people? Ive done a bit of research saying maybe it can .. but theres not enough studies done.. Im asking if anyone has any Positive/negative feedback on the matter/ Life experience please do share

    Thanks in advance -leodicapario:hello:
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  2. Good call
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  3. Can you share the signs your Grandma is demonstrating? It would be helpful in my soon to be caregiver situation.
  4. #5 Deleted member 1153948, Aug 2, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2023
    I'm glad your family has an open mind when it comes to cannabis and dementia. I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I have to live with it. As long as "alternate therapies" exist, I have no way to treat it as long as it's illegal. My family acknowledges that cannabis has medical uses, but I can't access it as long as it is federally illegal. The bad thing is, my daughter and family, do not want me to use it, even if it is the cure for a lot of things. And they are not willing to break the law to help me, so I'm stuck. I guess I'll end up in a nursing home.
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  5. Spitting out certain textures of food is the main one. but phantom pains is another
  6. There is evidence for cannabis helping dementia. Numerous studies show that both THC and CBD help inhibit the formation of beta-amyloid protein that is the underlying cause of Alzheimer's, as well as reduce hyperphosphorylated tau. This is all preclinical, but still promising.

    The potential therapeutic effects of THC on Alzheimer's disease - PubMed
    "These sets of data strongly suggest that THC could be a potential therapeutic treatment option for Alzheimer's disease through multiple functions and pathways."

    Cannabidiol Enhances Microglial Beta-Amyloid Peptide Phagocytosis and Clearance via Vanilloid Family Type 2 Channel Activation - PubMed
    "CBD is a promising drug candidate for [Alzheimer's disease].

    And here is human experience from a physician named Dr. Jeffrey Hergenrather:
    "Working with other cannabis clinicians, Dr. Hergenrather found that aggressive, hostile, frustrated, and agitated behaviors can be greatly reduced with doses of inhaled or ingested cannabis from 2.5 mg/kg of body weight up to 30 mg/kg in varying numbers of doses in a day. Patients are moved to smiles, laughter, giggles, good sleep, calm and a pleasant demeanor."

    In practice, starting with .5-1mg THC would be reasonable and not so likely to cause side effects. Doses of CBD at 10-50mg per day may also be helpful. In any case, when using THC, it is definitely very critical to start low, slowly increase, and be aware precisely how many milligrams are being given.
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  7. I know someone named John Berfelo who helps others identify strains for certain concerns. Search him on IG.
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  8. Salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaque ( THC research ) - I'll post links
    Salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaque at DuckDuckGo
    they also have research - Anti aging effects of CBN- Salk institute
    Anti aging effects of CBN- Salk institute at DuckDuckGo

    I Just posted above for the OP too , but you may like this as it pertains to the info you posted - Salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaque ... look that one up
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