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Cannibis interactions?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Like2Toke, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Can cannabis interact badly with an anti-depressant named Zoloft? If you noticed I posted a thread about my younger brother possibly using mmj for depression instead of anti depressants but im wondering if he could use mmj for depression and curing the symptoms of the side effects of his medications zoloft? But his papers say NOT to mix marijuana with the meds and so im wondering.
  2. Heres a thread on about zoloft and pot interactions - I'm seeing more people on there who say they use both and are fine than those complaining... Actually, I don't see anyone complaining about interactions

    Zoloft and marijuana -
  3. I take 50mg of Zoloft everyday...I also consume cannabis...Nothing negative so far...
  4. how long you been going like that brumac?

    Also, is that your dog as your av? Fucking love hounds, and bassets are some kind of special ;)
  5. My advice is to get off the poison that pharmaceutical companies market. But that is a personal decision. You have to weigh the benefits to the side effects. I'm not trying to preach, but I have only seen lives ruined in the long run because of pharmaceutical poison. I have seen naturopahtic doctors do wonders for "untreatable" conditions.
  6. A year off and on maybe? And yes its one of my hounds, the older female. I also have a male blue bassett...
  7. I've taken Zoloft and marijuana together, and an occasional smoke (once or twice a week) is perfectly fine for me. I actually think the combination is better than just Zoloft, as it alleviates all symptoms of depression or anxiety. I feel like a normal person when I take Zoloft and smoke. I've never had any bad interactions with fact, the only bad interaction with Zoloft I've ever had was when I had caffeine with it the first couple weeks I was taking it (I drank half an energy drink, and it threw me into a panic attack :eek::( ) Anyway, I would just be careful when you take it...maybe take it easy for a little while, and make sure you won't have any interactions (everyone is different, so you might, but I would say it's unlikely). Most people I've talked to who are on SSRI's and taking marijuana agree with me that there aren't any bad side effects. Good luck, and take it easy. :)

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