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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by SeeingDouble12, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Has anyone tried this stuff out yet? I'm curious to hear about it.
  2. They are weaker potency-wise, but more colorful and colorfully advertised than others on the market.

    We've been making hash infused sodas and juices for years :)

  3. what's a good brand for thc infused drinks? Living on the east coast I don't often hear about all the fun in Cali;)

  4. can you give me instructions on how to make infused sodas?

  5. thissssssssssssssssssssssss
  6. This stuff looks incredible!
  7. never had that stuff, but rather Keef Cola! No doubt it's really tasty, but it depends on your personal tolerance.. I'd suggest XXX strength haha

  8. well the absolute best out here in southern cali are called Kushtown sodas. and they come in like 5 or 6 dank varietys but as others have said are pretty weak
  9. You'll be happy to know, that ANYBODY can make a more potent drink than this.

    These are purely a gimmick. I was being a bit more 'polite' towards the product earlier, but here are the facts: They cost $12-15, and contain only 35 - 65 milligrams of cannabis.... that's only, at the very most, .06 grams, in the bottle containing a 65mg dose.

    Think of it this way, people sometimes complain they feel nothing when they eat dispensary edibles containing .15g concentrate, almost three times the quantity in the most potent bottle that this snake-oil salesman is selling. He's a good business man, but he's not selling a great or potent product, just a colorful 'trendy' one.

    For $15, the cost of one single bottle of his pop, you can buy: 3 - 4 cookies with over 3 times the cana content in each one, five times as much hash, or half an 8th. And unlike that $15 soda, you will actually catch a buzz from these alternatives.

    It's a neat concept, but it's not a new concept, and it's only more colorfully advertised than the rest, his PR people are going nuts with the news stories as though higher quality canna pops had never been released before.

    To make your own, just make a simple glycerin tincture, and add it to your favorite soda. That's all he's doing :) A simple dragon works even better. And even if you screw it up, you're still almost 100% guaranteed to have a higher canna content :p
  10. These drinks look awesomely advertised but like ^ he said they don't contain all the Cannabis that you would like.:p Never actually made a soda pop gonna have to try this soon.

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